FlAK stands for FlugAbwehrKanone, meaning air defence cannon. What you mean is shrapnel, which air defence missiles use to shoot down planes.
The Gepard is a SHORAD system using airburst autocannons to hit stuff, but airliners usually fly too high for that. The Russian equivalents from newest to older systems are the Pantsir, the Tunguska and the Shilka, IDK if they still use Shilkas though.
plane was hit at about 3km, so within range of even MANPADS and pantsir guns, but it was a bit misty so IR and photocontrast guidance is out. azeris suspect command guided pantsir missile, that is 57e6 or similar, which has some 7x less explosive than buk missile used in mh17 shootdown
shilkas are still good against drones so i suspect they do use them. ukrainians use everything down to 12.7mm and 7.62mm machine guns for this purpose
FlAK stands for FlugAbwehrKanone, meaning air defence cannon. What you mean is shrapnel, which air defence missiles use to shoot down planes.
The Gepard is a SHORAD system using airburst autocannons to hit stuff, but airliners usually fly too high for that. The Russian equivalents from newest to older systems are the Pantsir, the Tunguska and the Shilka, IDK if they still use Shilkas though.
Gerpard does not use airburst, it needs to directly hit. The rounds have a timed fuse to avoid hitting the ground, so they explose after some seconds.
wait doesn’t gepard use AHEAD, what was all that fuss with swiss refusing reexport of that special ammo
plane was hit at about 3km, so within range of even MANPADS and pantsir guns, but it was a bit misty so IR and photocontrast guidance is out. azeris suspect command guided pantsir missile, that is 57e6 or similar, which has some 7x less explosive than buk missile used in mh17 shootdown
shilkas are still good against drones so i suspect they do use them. ukrainians use everything down to 12.7mm and 7.62mm machine guns for this purpose
Schrapnell like the ones of FlaK-Explosivgeschosse you say?