So these comments are mine but if you go to the site the artist comments on the strip. Not all the time but definitely more frequently in the last few years over early on. This is sorta a common shtick I see where the progressive ideals are secretly for personal greedy reasons. I always love it. It is funny because I do see progressive causes from a greedy perspective. I would like all the people I interact with as I move through society to be educated and healthy. I like public spaces. I like well maintained infrastructure. and I’m not afraid to pay taxes for it, provided taxes are collected progressively. People should be able to make a decent wage.
So is it “liberals” doing “such a liberal thing to do” or only what “ultralibs” who “are a rarity” do?
Those are different. You’re talking out of both sides of your mouth.
They’re both liberals. Everything I’ve said still applies.
Conservatives marching down the street carrying Nazi flags is such a conservative thing to do then, yes?
I love that you snarked your way into understanding what they were saying
Not all conservatives are Nazis, but chances are pretty high based on history that all Nazis are conservatives.
So would you say that the statement “Conservatives marching down the street carrying Nazi flags is such a conservative thing to do” is substantially true or substantially false?
Maybe a better distinction would be “accurate or misleading”.
If a 100% of Nazis are historically conservative or conservative-adjacent, it is a conservative thing to do. That’s not stating all conservatives are automatically Nazis. In this case though, I’d probably just say it’s a very Nazi thing to do.
Okay so we’re talking about the difference between “All squares are rectangles” and “Not all rectangles are squares.”
What you initially said, and what I offered a “conservative/Nazi” counterpoint to, is “Rectangles doing square things is such a rectangle thing to do,” when most rectangles are not squares.
This is the epitome of a straw man argument.
getting into a logical argument over a
figure of speechidomatic expression is such a lemmy thing to do~~Not a figure of speech. It’s the difference between substantially accurate and propaganda.