This make me laugh much harder then it should have!
Why Stacy look like Gary Shandling’s secret daughter tho
God clearly shot first and put a hole in their inflatable boat. This is just self defense.
Why does the word ‘grundle’ make me titter so?
That combination of consonant and vowel sounds is just naturally pleasing in a humorous way IMO 😁
It sounds like the name of a depressed Dr. Seuss villain.
Meh…I was thinking more of some old norse/viking demonic like creature, but I will take a Dr. Seuss villain all the same XD
Dats a flare gun and its part of any decent life boat kit. But that doesnt look like a lifeboat.
Also, they’re clearly on a lake
No self respecting swimsuit-clad vixen would ever go on a rubber boat trip without her raygun.
In case of stingrays, obviously.
Hmm… Smells fishy to me.