The real talent already built the good stuff. Now, all they need is someone to follow SOP’s to maintain and carry on. Improvements and new stuff will take the hit, and they will grow stagnant until someone else starts doing something better, and then they scramble and complain as they start losing money and that’s when they start looking for talent again. Except this time, they will just be hired to put in place whatever the other company did and probably be let go after.
AT&T hasn’t updated toll free routing control in almost 11 years. Their bvoip portal is similarly antiquated. What good stuff have they been developing?
WhY cAnT wE rETAiN oUr TaLeNt!?!- greedy CEOs in the future
Future? It’s happening now
The future to CEOs is next quarter, next fiscal year is the distant future.
“Nobody wants to work anymore.”
Yeah. Just read an article explaining that you lose the best talent by forcing RTO and turnover jumps 14%.
Retain who? Anyone not in a brick and mortar, or in HQ, is over seas.
The real talent already built the good stuff. Now, all they need is someone to follow SOP’s to maintain and carry on. Improvements and new stuff will take the hit, and they will grow stagnant until someone else starts doing something better, and then they scramble and complain as they start losing money and that’s when they start looking for talent again. Except this time, they will just be hired to put in place whatever the other company did and probably be let go after.
AT&T hasn’t updated toll free routing control in almost 11 years. Their bvoip portal is similarly antiquated. What good stuff have they been developing?
Warner Brothers!
. . . wait
. . . wait