I can hum and whistle at the same time. Makes me sound kinda like a Theremin
Ah yes, multiphonics.
I can bring my hands from the back of my body to the front (and the opposite) while holding them together. There might be a use for this if I ever get tied up.
Me too. the local police even stopped handcuffing me behind my back because I’d just step over so my hands were in front again.
You know that feeling you get when you listen to really awesome music and your hair stands on end and your skin has like an electric tingle all the way up and down? I can do that feeling at will. It’s called ‘voluntary frisson’, normally an autonomic response. Makes music a real.trip.
I can do this too.
It’s fun to watch people freak out when one can raise his body hair up on command. And since I have an abundance of body hair, the effect is pretty profound.