Indoctrinated parents indoctrinate kids.
See also: religion.
I’m just perplexed how kids are still religious in 2024 with vast amount of free information out there. I thought this cult bullshit was about to end with my generation when we got free, unrestricted information exchange invented.
I guess you can’t fix irrationality with rationality huh
Religion is not always a cult. All religions are not like Christianity.
See Hinduism, Buddhism, confussionism
Hinduism is the textbook definition of a cult. It’s just old AF, so we give it a pass.
How tho
I suggest you look up Kali for a start.
Kali Linux?
Linux is definitely a cult, and I am a proud cultist
Most people are not actually people, they are people-like imposter automatons and they are dumb as hell and can be manipulated like clay.
Indoctrination, propaganda, alt-right playbook recruitment through targeting the disaffected… these aren’t young people who’ve turned to conservatism, they’ve been actively targeted by right wing factions in order to bolster their position.
Edit: Oh, and also Reagan era neo-liberals are the fucking worst and when they shit on progressives and their ideas, they basically push away people who would otherwise be politically left leaning.
It’s tough being young. Jobs don’t pay what they used to. Rent costs too much. Even the food is a struggle.
You know who is the blame for this?
Brown people.
This message is brought to you by the conservative party of your country. They’re all the fucking same.
a few things seem to motivate young idiots into conservative thought:
MRA their daddy their rural background edgelord BS
To be fair if you’re anything past Boomer, at this point you should be too embarrassed to vote for any GOP candidate. When the party decided to support Trump—a guy with proven sexual assault charges, pending fraud charges, pending classified document charges, a penchant for insurrection that he happily acknowledges, and more and more video surfacing of him unable to be coherent, hopefully most everyone with any connection to reality has realized it’s time to kick him and the GOP to the curb.
Being born into a conservative household can be a hard hurdle to clear. I grew up with the unquestioning belief that the left was straight-up evil (shocker: that was projection) but then moved around a ton and worked alongside a huge diversity of people after highschool cuz I joined the military and didn’t have a choice: that exposure was a real shock, but since our brains don’t like being wrong, I resisted it for a good while before finally acknowledging that I was acting like a moron and started thinking more critically about politics and what political decisions meant for my community.
Not everyone gets that healthy slap-to-their-senses. Doesn’t excuse shit, but that’s the ‘why’.
It’d be interesting to see some actual political metrics on other service members. The military is always seen as being SOLID red, and while yes it does lean that way, the tiny bubble of the military that was my personal field of view seemed maybe a 60-40 split; and I personally went in red, and separated borderline radical blue. I know at least a handful of others who did the same… no idea if it’s always been that way, or if this is a developing trend. Or if I happened to be stationed in an uncharacteristically blue slice of military. /shrug.
It’s easier to be reactionary, and being reactionary leads to conservatism.
Biggest reason I see is religious indoctrination.
Well… GenZ doesn’t like gaslight as well 😉
For men, a lot of it has to do with personal frustration and several “sources” or “influencers” pointing to communism, cultural marxism, feminism, etc, as the culprits of everything bad going on. Attacking a scapegoat you’ve been led to believe is “the reason” you can’t get a job or a girlfriend is easy and emotionally satisfying.
Thinking, rationalizing and realizing how and why shit’s fucked up, down, left and right doesn’t fill you with good vibes.
But you don’t need a scapegoat. The problem is literally the billionaires. You only need a scapegoat to justify white supremacist hierarchy building.
Grifting is pretty profitable these days
You are right
Add to that being black or LGBT.
I’m a 80s conservative. Which makes me a 2024 ANTIFA.
The 80s was the Reagan administration 🙄
It’s hard to describe personal politics prior to 2000. It was easy to be a sane conservative in the 80s. There was obviously shady shit going on behind the scenes. But outwardly the conservative movement mostly espoused mainstream thought at the time.
I see that, but it’s hard not to connect the dots between Reagan and Trump; what people voted for then has a direect relationship with what they’re voting for now, and it wasn’t rare to hear alarm bells being raised back then either. These progressions are not chaotic, unpredictable, or sudden, so it’s weird to hear people talk about how normal conservatives used to be just thirty years ago. The window was not so skewed then maybe, but it was being pulled right even then.
It just seems the country was overall more conservative back then and they had a stranglehold on America. Their “boTh SiDeS” “Good Christian” antics were dominant. Republicans began shitting the bed as the direction of the nation diverged and they were no longer obviously in control. Then the veil got lifted on the power of money in politics and the rat lashed out from the corner.
The Republican Party in the 1980s was just starting to get taken over by Evangelicals and the NRA, and was firmly behind the Southern Strategy. It was definitely getting pulled right at that time.
It’s hard to describe personal politics prior to 2000
It really was so different.
Lmao, lesser evil trap
I think they might just have different ideas and things that have shaped their thinking, values, all that stuff.