Covid just made us all realise we know a lot more people than we thought we did who would hide a zombie bite.
More like we know a lot more people that would have zombie bite parties because they “trust their immune system” and simultaneously don’t believe in the zombie hoax.
Also there are people who will intentionally smear their zombie bite juice on you because ain’t nobody gonna trample on their freedom.
You didn’t know that already? The cute to a zombie bite is a bullet to the head and no one wants to be shot.
And yell at you for asking if they have ever been bitten.
I happen to really like District 9 for this reason
There’s no malicious plot of aliens blowing up shit or invading to colonize: nope, aliens literally just crash-landed on accident and humanity was like “stay the fuck right there, we’ll take all your shit until we figure out how to
deal withexploit you”Humanity is always its own worst-enemy
There is nearly a century of Nebula Award winning science fiction that is in the public domain. Hollywood can’t say, “they’re out of ideas” All they need are screenwriters who aren’t idiots.
Expeditionary forces is a comedy science fiction in which the nations of the world reluctantly worked together, but only some of the nations, and they’re far from friends.
Its good for Science Fiction can be aspirational sometimes though.
Classic Star Trek has humans living in an idealistic society meeting some weirdo aliens doing some weirdo alien shit that causes a lot of problems. Then you realize we’re more like the aliens than the we are like the idealistic future human society. Our society is alien to to an ideal society.
Then the Enterprise warps off to some other place to do some cool shit somewhere else and the aliens are stuck on their shitty planet because they’re a bunch of losers what can’t get past their weirdo shit.
The implication is that we could be the cool dudes in a starship constantly doing awesome shit. But instead we’re the losers stuck on a planet that the people in the starships laugh at.
So the reason why an ideal future isn’t possible is because we can’t get past our weirdo loser ideas.
I can now picture Kirk, Spock and Bones having a chuckle about some weirdo aliens that can’t advance because they’re stuck in the rut of doomerism.
“It’s quite illogical that they can’t understand they can never achieve anything if they presume failure before they even try.”
“Humanity once thought that way a long time ago but we eventually got past it. Anyway, off we go somewhere else to see some other loser aliens doing stupid shit we used to do!”
If we had a hostile alien invasion, thousands dead in the first wave, footage of the aliens, everything. half the GOP would still be saying it’s a hoax, and making it into an anti Liberal/anti LGBTQ rant. Part of them would straight up worship the aliens, a bunch of them would drink bleach.