I’m federalist and I’m voting Bloc. That’s how you know shit’s dire.
I’m federalist and I’m voting Bloc. That’s how you know shit’s dire.
I don’t think there’s more disinformation as before in terms of % of info being wrong, but a lot of people have gotten really good at calling it out. The best example on-hand is the “cigarettes are good for you actually” and “we will buy tramways put of every city in North America and tear them out, then sell you a car!”
It’s always been like this.
We didn’t have a printer so we wrote down the instructions and memorized them as much as possible because we understood that not paying attention to the road would get someone killed.
The same people can’t get their fucking eyes off their cellphone now.
Put something on a public platform = accept that people will look at it. Allow for people to comment on it and you invite these comments. If someone wants to post pictures and not get comments on them, they can post them to a platform that doesn’t allow comments.
It’s a risk I’m willing to take!
They’re gonna fight it, but not for the fans. They’re doing it for themselves. They’re a company too.
Considering the origin of carbonara, it’s not that weird.
Eden ring censored “Knight” to “K***ht” iirc
A test for what? From where? I don’t get it
Lemonade white claw is great on a 90% humidity 32 celcius day in a frozen glass and I will die on that hill, at least.
People often say “we should send one normal person to show how hard what they’re doing actually is”
This is what happens when we do
Does Hulu still block Canadians though?,
Some of those were hilarious, like the one who didn’t know there were shots, so he just said he collapsed then was escorted off the stage, or the “I wish he would Van Gogh away” one
That would be fine if they were trying to reverse ALL personal vehicle adoption, but nooo.
The problem with this is that this will encourage Canada to do the same, like the good little brother it is, and we’ll get fucked along with y’all -_-
It’s the original “I moved things with my FREAKING MIND!!!” From Forspoken
That’s not gonna do more than a drop in the bucket. Y’all’s government thinks tech can fix something that good pedestrian-first infrastructure should fix. That’s kinda wack.
Vehicle sizes, hood clearance, non-car-centric infrastructure mandates, that’s the sort of things rules should include. Not “let’s have AI decide if the pedestrian or cyclist lives”
No, because he was against the whole ethnicity, not just the state.
Mine comes from the many Hydroelectric barrages we have here in Quebec, because we ended our use of coal and methane for generating electricity. 99% of our electricity is Hydro and the rest is wind/solar. I think maybe we have one methane plant somewhere but I don’t know for sure.
The US have basically every climate on the planet at your disposal except the poles. You could create new interesting ways to generate electricity cleanly, but your government doesn’t. It baffles the mind.
And then even with coal and methane, burning it at the station in troves is still less damaging than burning gasoline or diesel in individual vehicles because of the tiny bit of carbon the stations that are well run manage to capture (It ain’t much, but it’s more than an F150 that’s for sure)
I agree that cars should become a niche thing, not used by everyone to get everywhere. That’s completely unsustainable, but it’ll take at least 20 years of good governance for the US to be connected in a meaningful way by fast, frequent, convenient public transportation. Until then, the people who are stuck unable to move closer to work for various reasons will still need to drive, and EV are a good option for more than 80% of them.
I would just remove one word from everyone you wrote. “Unprecedented”
Look up how much time it took to build the initial interstates. Same shit in Canada and the Trans-canada highway. It didn’t take centuries to build, it won’t take centuries to fix either.
Dude would get merked before he gets to speak in front of any kind of microphone. There is no way in my mind he makes it to a jury trial alive.