You say that but when you put the four corners together you get a trapezoid or triangle instead of a square or rectangle. I’ve even watched videos and tried to copy but failed at this.
You say that but when you put the four corners together you get a trapezoid or triangle instead of a square or rectangle. I’ve even watched videos and tried to copy but failed at this.
The ability to perform high level mathematics and computer science tasks including programming languages and logic.
Vulgar in linguistics refers to street usage instead of formal. See also Classic Latin vs Vulgar Latin.
That was much much better
Oh dear that’s terrible
You had a good year or two after that and then it went to shit.
Teens stopped using Facebook in 2015.
I basically stopped participating. I work in a government position that is stable and pandemic-proof. I will never be able to buy a house so I don’t even consider that. I live where I don’t need a car. Basically, my needs are met and capitalism didn’t work for me, ever.
Are they meant to be robots?
That’s because they are still recovering from decades of horror. Give it a generation and they’ll catch up with the rest of the angry west.
The basic requirement in Argentina is that you’re Roman Catholic and a citizen. That’s in the constitution.
People say yes then cancel the same day of the event.
Yeah I remember that. It was the first thing I thought of her and felt sad again.
Well that was my post day paraphrase lol. Glad you found it.
Other side, sure. On the entrance side you might stub your toe.
Sorry it was on NPR in the morning. They had someone saying that it was a perfectly standard sale and were surprised by the decision.
And they are interviewing retired bankruptcy judges that are apparently at a loss right now.
No. Just smart enough to not be baited by money they will never see.
Oh this is me. Their house is packed and they keep buying more shit and going on international cruises. We’ll get nothing.