If it’s a tree stump, then something cut it off flat at the top, and I’m far more afraid of that thing than the tree stump.
Paul Bunyan.
America’s Kaiju
No no you got it all wrong, Paul Bunyan is the kaiju tamer of Babe the Blue Ox
Having seen Devil’s Tower in person I’m trying to envision how massive that tree would be
Wow. Photo evidence!
What do you mean? It’s clearly Photoshopped! The Earth is flat don’t you know?
No the Earth was flat and then somebody cut down the yggdrasil, and the world curved under into a sphere to protect the seed of the next world tree until it is time for it to bloom
Yggdrasil calls
No wonder everything is all fucked up, someone cut down the erdtree
Honey, what does this remind you of?
Oh man, wtf is this movie? I remember seeing it when I was really young but can’t recall what it was
“I’m just asking questions”
Pretty sure it’s made of mashed potatoes.
This means something.
He says the sun came out last night. He says it sang to him.
Buddy, we can clearly see the basalt formations. It’s probably yet another volcan that eroded
Petrified world tree stump. ;)