USA’s Mr. 47 will seriously take $5m from Mr. Putin to invite him to live in ‘the land of the free’. And spend all of his ruble there.
USA’s Mr. 47 will seriously take $5m from Mr. Putin to invite him to live in ‘the land of the free’. And spend all of his ruble there.
The label ‘homo sapiens’ for our species.
Northern Lands of g.u.l.f. (= greedy unelected lying fascists)
European golf players now name this gulf: The Gulf Of Trumps Lost Golf Balls
Maybe he had no1 near he could’ve given a hug. Or nobody near wanted to hug a Nazi. So this ‘awkward gesture’ was his cry for help. To help him take the burden of billions and billions off of him. And ask Betty Ford centre to take care of him for the next decades.
He once were in Poland visiting the concentration camp Ausschwitz with his son. He has nothing learned about this visit. It’s a disgusting man. And it’s high time to arrest him. Ban him. Take all his money and assets and put it for good use. Or send him to mars. Immediately. Solo mission.
Why reminds me that title of
Every president in the White House needs a dog eh?
You know nothing, Elon Musk!
Using the unsocial ‘social’ networks?
Make USA either danish or vanish?
I’m Spartacus!
Oh, they are from the bible. They’re called pharisee (hypocrites). Thus the money in ‘their’ church.
WW3: Trumps Egg Price War
The ‘kid’ hit the wrong guy. Sadly. He died.
The new war will be called ‘Trumps Egg Price War’
So let’s talk about Peter Thiel, right?
Isn’t greed a mental illness too? Besides it’s one of the seven deadly sins. So much for those christian-wannabes.
Doesn’t DJT has to die soon for that?