Hell yeah, I got the Dominion War. Time for another DS9 rewatch.
Hell yeah, I got the Dominion War. Time for another DS9 rewatch.
Gone in squidxty seconds.
Might I suggest that it is actually the typical standard condoms available out there that are the problem and not the concept of a condom itself? I have had similar experiences to you, but I decided to try getting a custom fit condom from ONE Condoms. Turns out the standard sizes were just too small and getting an appropriately sized condom improved the experience of using one significantly. I know this is sounding like an ad for ONE Condoms, but maybe it will get some folks to reconsider using protection.
“When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist.”
Excellent! I – I mean, too bad.
Earth. Hitler. 1938.
It’s got what the environment craves!
Well, shit.
That ad campaign pissed me off so much. I was even more disappointed when the people here fell for it. I thought we were smarter than those damn companies, but no.
Republicans: there’s never any money to help people, but there’s always money for racism.
Never negotiate with terrorists.
But do they have the ability to war? 🤔
I haven’t seen those old movies in years 👴
Lol, maaan, I posted this story to the upliftingnews community two weeks ago and it got removed for “not being uplifting.” What’s not uplifting about a cute little otter stealing surfboards?
I read this all in Strong Bad’s voice.
One can only hope Trump will disappear.