- How much butt could a butt-butt butt if a butt-butt could butt butt?
- If prostitution is the opposite of constitution, and a protractor is the opposite of a contractor, then what sort of mathematical object are we talking about here? Ignore the trivial case.
- Is humping called “humping” because first you hum and then you ping?
- If there’s no rhyme for “orange”, then how can four engineers make orange veneers?
- Sex-havers of Reddit,
[QUESTION ABLUTED BY MODJERATOR] - Dialectical Cladistics: yea or nay?
- What is the best programming language for real men?
- What is the best programming language for real humans? (No, I am not a bot, I promise.)
- Dear Linux Install Tips: Remember me? I wrote to you last week. I’m in the middle of my install and it prompted me to enter a “root password”. I asked you what I should do, and you said to make something up. So I stuck some dynamite in my pony, and now my pony has exploded. What do I do next?
- What the crap?
I read this all in Strong Bad’s voice.
What would dialectical cladistics be anyway
Obviously not. There are none.
yep. literally unpossible,
Only this one /s
The name of this community is actually: “No, Stupid! Questions?”
Yeah, I posted a link to a song and asked if anyone else liked it, but the post was removed as off-topic. So I guess that was a stupid question.
They are censoring stupidity!!!
This is exactly what they said they wouldn’t do!!
Let’s go back to Reddit boys
Obligatory /s
yes. but they’re a secret ;)
What does the hair dryer do with all the water??
I did yesterday (or maybe the day before?). Someone wanted validation to their belief that the US is currently the same as Russia circa 20 years ago, or something along those lines. It wasn’t a real question.
Nop, and never will be, as the stupidest question is the one you have but never ask, so never get the answer. (and never learn)