Alright, thanks for the clarification! Honestly, I think both terms are misused all the time and I have just stopped caring about it.
Alright, thanks for the clarification! Honestly, I think both terms are misused all the time and I have just stopped caring about it.
Nah, ‘open beta’ was the term for a long time; early access is a newer thing.
Don’t forget about payment processors like visa that can enforce restrictions on NSFW content
I just learned about kagi. It’s subscription-based but seems really nice
To be clear, I don’t think the ruling was that the output is public domain. The ruling was just that it isn’t allowed to be copyrighted
I think what it comes down to is how much you enjoy the freedom of the games. A lot of their games kinda just let you loose with a story that you can build over the course of the game, whereas New Vegas has a goal in mind that it is constantly pushing you towards.
Again, I don’t think either preference is better than the other. I just think they are two very different play styles that are suited for different experiences.
It sounds like you’re a fan of Bethesda games so I think this game will definitely be great for you.
Personally, I’ve really struggled to enjoy their games because they just feel a bit shallow for reasons that I can’t explain. They just don’t engage me at all. New Vegas was the only one that I completed and I think that is likely due to a difference in game design that I enjoy more.
I want to like Starfield and I will give it a try when it comes out, but I’m just worried it will leave me with an empty feeling like their other games do.
You’ve gone back too far! I meant mid to late aughts (2005-2010)
It’s because a lot of people here are people who miss the earlier days of the internet and are trying to recreate that feeling. I’m not that old but it’s got me feeling nostalgic so I enjoy it
You’re giving the perfect example of the centrist mindset. I’ve followed American bills and laws being passed in the past four years and there is an objectively correct opinion on which side is better for the wellbeing of the people.
Republicans are constantly trying to repeal laws of bodily autonomy and workers rights. They are pushing for ways to gerrymander and make voting more difficult in Democrat areas. They have to rely on riling up their base with lies and fear-mongering because it’s all they have.
The democrats are more of a mixed bag but they are at least doing some things that actually help and improve the lives of the average person instead of actively doing the opposite.
But that doesn’t fit within the centrist framework because they are just too smart
To be clear, I’m not American either. I just think that centrism reads as a lack of any principles. Especially when one side is blatantly anti-democracy.
More parties would obviously be better but that’s a difficult task to surmount.
You’re right and I have been considering this from the other commenter. It could be pretty interesting.
The only other consideration I’d have as a hobby developer is that it would be pretty expensive for a minor gain, but perhaps major studios wouldn’t have a problem with that
Every American ‘centrist’ I’ve seen plays constant defence for the far right. Idk maybe it’s just a coincidence but I’m not the only one who’s noticed it
I actually don’t think this is a good use for NPCs. There’s tons of videos of people just getting them to say the craziest stuff and I don’t think it adds anything to the game.
It remains far better to have a writer carefully constructing the world and the dialogue
I agree with you but I’m just gonna say with basic regex (hell, even without regex) you can easily find bad words without the problem you mentioned above.
Word filters tend to suck in online games and stuff because they have to navigate players trying to avoid the filter, which I think could still be improved with a little effort
I’d love if the McPoyles from It’s Always Sunny were just thrown into a random panel
You’re 100% right. The people who are already on these platforms are the ones that don’t like any algorithm at all, so they tend to be combative about its implementation. I don’t think there will be mainstream appeal until it is easy and fun to use for the average person
That’s not really how most recommendation algorithms work. A good basic algorithm would be showing you content that the people you follow are following or showing popular posts from a certain category that you tend to like
Maybe it’s a hot take but if you are giving life-altering treatments, and your company goes under, you should open-source everything
no one talking about the fact that coverage of this situation was entirely falsified to make it seem like they protested at the hospital when they only just walked by it during their march