In this YT Short, stand-up comedian Steve Hofstetter covers some quick statistics on violent crime rates in Democrat vs Republican-controlled states.
I love steve, his comedy is on point and he is very well spoken and intelligent. I’m not sure why people got their jimmies rustled over this post but I just wanted to say that I appreciate you OP.
Love Steve. Dude is always on point.
I am not sure which is worse. Web v3 or Americans fucking everywhere on the internet making everywhere and everything a discussion about American politics, taking over every fucking forum on the internet. Especially international ones, where you will find posts like, “as an American…”
Shut the fuck up. The rest of the world does not care about your shitty internal politics. Stop being so fucking annoying.
Sorry that we exist.
If youre not one of those people, I am glad you exist. Its just all the crappy ones thats taken over the discussion forums on the web.
But seeing as youre the one that made the post, fuck you, get a better hobby.
Stop spreading like a virus everywhere posting your shit everywhere because youre disgruntled with your own countries politics.
Imagine if everyone did that. You think each country doesn’t have problems of their own? Sure we do. We just know not to annoy everybody on the fucking planet about it. Its like you think you own the fucking planet. You Americans are so fucking Karen about it. You just gotta get heard by everyone .Jesus fucking christ, stop being such bitches.
Jesus fucking christ, stop being such bitches.
I just hope the irony isn’t lost on you after this tantrum.
- Ahhh the good old “no u”. We get it. One echo chamber says “Trump good” and the other says “Trump bad”, and then you get your cocks out and masturbate each other for a job well done. Well done. But when that isn’t enough you want the rest of the world to join in on your cockfest as well. We got the memo years ago.
Nobody asked you to take out your cock. In fact, your can put it away. Please.
Oh see that is called a metaphor and its fucking annoying when people pull their cocks out isn’t it, just like internal American politics and echo chambers everywhere on the internet. It happened on reddit, it is happening here too.
Tell more of your homies to get on lemmy to downvote such comments?
Absolutely not. As a european, I find it extremely interesting to look for the parallels and differences between our societies and how problems are handled. We can all learn from each other.
The problem is, that we fail to produce an equal amount of output because we don’t have a common language and still see ourselves as our national identities rather than Europeans. If we widened our view and noticed more of what’s happening in other countries, we could be absolutely on par with the content Americans make and it would take us all a step closer to become actual world citizens.
Thats not how tribalism works. Thats not how anything works. Us Europeans do speak English, amongst a couple of more, or three other languages, so your language barrier point is mute. You cant take the animal out of the human and go, ah tribalism is a social construct. Good luck with that. I am multicultural myself, but even so, having an identity is important for just about everybody. And by the state of things, who in their right mind would want to be on par with the content America makes?
Oh man, there is so much to unpack here. We have been well past the tribal stage for millennia now, so I don’t really get your point here. And yes it was a social construct, not all animals are tribal. Great apes have very different social structures and behaviours regarding other groups, just compare chimpanzees and bonobos.
Human history is full of examples of overcoming tribal structures. The fact, that people from all over the world write English on platforms like lemmy is proof that it can’t be that important to stick to your “tribe” (I think you mean language group?) and exclude others.
And no, most europeans did not speak English well enough to take part in deeper conversations until very recently. We are getting there though and it’s absolutely noticeable when you look at YouTube content, subs and conversations on reddit, cultural products like music (compare the languages of the ESC now vs. 30 years ago).
I also don’t get what you mean by “identity”. Why can’t European, world citizen or human be an identity? National identities are just as manufactured as others would be.
And by “content” I’m obviously not talking about tiktok dances in hardware stores. I’m talking about what OP posted, critical analysis, politics, opinions.
So much to unpack? Oh, you sweet summer child. Tribalism isn’t just putting up a physical wall within your own claimed territory. It’s beyond language, gate keeping who should be able to love one another, heck even politics, which shows that it isn’t a social construct. English as a matter of language is more often used because we import/export, and the positives outweigh the negatives. And I am well over thirty years old and well before youtube, many Europeans were already fluent in English. It is easier now, sure, but its also easier to learn it wrong.
This video being a critical analysis, etc. is just your opinion. Do not do like the American echo bubbles and confuse opinion with fact, due to poor education on the matter.
I have absolutely no idea what your point is (aside from “Americans bad hurr durr”)
Figured as much. Americans Arent bad.
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Someone’s jealous!
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As an American …… ok, now that I annoyed you back, maybe a push for better categorization or labeling would be more useful. Looks like it’s in a “Video” community and it’s a video.
Clearly Web v3 is more annoying because it Durant even have good intentions
Being an American isn’t a problem at all. I love Americans. Just those who doesn’t put politics first and go out of their way to flood people around them with their opinions on who the temporary employee in the White House is, who it should have been and why the employee is everything that is wrong with the current situation.
I bet most Americans just go on with their day and try to make the best of everything, you know, like the rest of the world, not being obsessed by some individual.
If you care at all about the quality of your life, then you need to be interested in politics. It isn’t as simple as you put it, at least not anymore.
The country of the U.S. is in a state of crisis of which I don’t think we’ve seen in over 150 years. Sorry if it bothers you to hear about, but this stuff is important.
Personally, I try to learn as much about other countries’ politics and history to find out how the world got to where we are. If these videos or posts about the U.S. politics bother you, I would recommend just skipping over them and avoid the potential negative emotional reaction you displayed earlier.
Being an American isn’t a problem at all. I love Americans.
I bet most Americans just go on with their day and try to make the best of everything, you know, like the rest of the world, not being obsessed by some individual.
Interesting that you say these things now, when earlier in this thread you told me to fuck myself and get a hobby, called me a bitch and a Karen, and said that I “spread like a virus”, all because I posted a single politically-motivated link in my 2 months on this platform. Where was your poignant insight on the duality of man then?
I don’t care about a political analysis from a fucking comedian.
Did the facts hurt your feelings?
I’m a German leftist. However anyone who thinks a comedian posting YouTube shorts is a reasonable source for political insight is a moron.
You’re right, comedians don’t know anything about politics.
By the way, you ever hear that great comedy routine from that one comedian, Volodymyr Zelenskyy? Dude’s hilarious, but he’ll clearly never make it in politics.
Well he’s leading a country and not trying to gain relevance by posting ‘republicans say they good but actually they BAD’-style content.
I think you’re missing the point. One’s profession doesn’t immediately disqualify their message. Nothing Hofstetter says in this video is untrue.
It’s like saying you wouldn’t cash a check written to your name for a million dollars just because you don’t like the type of paper it’s printed on. It’s still a million dollars, and the facts he said are still true. The medium in which it’s conveyed to you is trivial, and ultimately irrelevant, and the fact that you’re so hung up on that particular aspect of it is a little odd.
Well said
I don’t know, this content seems backed up with census data… whereas you just sound triggered and emotional.
I’m less concerned with who people learn facts from than with the veracity and balance thereof. If it’s not for you, that’s fine, but there are plenty of people with limited interest in politics that would be willing to listen to a topic that their favorite comedian discusses and reconsider their views on that basis. Gatekeeping politics is how morons keep the greater populace ignorant and disengaged.
He’s NOT the source though, just the facilitator.
The source is the statistics he quotes and without checking, I’m pretty sure those are linked in the video description as is common practice.
So what? It’s like pointing out the sky is blue. He got some internet fame a couple of years ago for being good at handling hecklers. This entire video is a pathetic attempt at capitalizing from mindless political outrage and the entire format of the video is nothing more than pandering in the hope that he gets blessed by the algorithm. I don’t disagree with the statement, I disagree with the format.
Most comedians are dumb as shit and we should demand higher quality when we consume political content. A ten year old could make this video (with sources).You sound unreasonably angry about this, even personally so. Did a comedian sleep with you and never call? Did your wife leave you for a YouTube content creator?
Or are you just a misguided curmudgeon insisting that the medium is more important than the message?
Ad hominem, here we fucking go.
Dude, your entire point is an ad hominem about the dude who made the video with a bit of “medium is more important than the message” nonsense sprinkled on top 🤦
Isn’t this a textbook example of an argumentum ad hominem?
I wonder if someone posted a video called, “Democrats are Dangerous”. Will it get up voted like this video? Just thinking out loud.
EDIT I’m a Centrist btw.
That’s a great idea! You should make that post and provide supporting data with your claim!
You’re a centrist afterall.
provide supporting data with your claim
So like OP did. Got it.
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Yes, which would be hate speech and further proof that Republicans are dangerous
I can’t tell you’re a troll or not. So good job.
At your service!
I have read so many places that American centrist Arent really a thing, because of the two party system. You are either with, or against… which is a child s view of things.
I say good for you.
Every American ‘centrist’ I’ve seen plays constant defence for the far right. Idk maybe it’s just a coincidence but I’m not the only one who’s noticed it
I have seen that a lot too, however there are many times where I have seen proper American centrists. My countries politics doesn’t align with yours, either side, but I suppose if I were to align myself anywhere in your political system, it would be a bit from the right, a bit from the left and disregard the rest. You need more than a 2 party system. 12 party system or something, I dont know.
To be clear, I’m not American either. I just think that centrism reads as a lack of any principles. Especially when one side is blatantly anti-democracy.
More parties would obviously be better but that’s a difficult task to surmount.
Seems to me that both parties have riled up their supporters against each other so much that the best way to remain in the status quo is to make it such that the voters believe that voting for anything other than the two main parties is too dangerous, because every vote counts, or the opposition wins.
It seems to me pretty sad. They both play golf together and party in the weekends and yell at each other in front of the cameras, while they laugh all the way to the bank. Both parties are bad. Seems to me like controlled opposition to remain in power and to not rock the boat, made possible through the American news media. It works like hell, too!
You’re giving the perfect example of the centrist mindset. I’ve followed American bills and laws being passed in the past four years and there is an objectively correct opinion on which side is better for the wellbeing of the people.
Republicans are constantly trying to repeal laws of bodily autonomy and workers rights. They are pushing for ways to gerrymander and make voting more difficult in Democrat areas. They have to rely on riling up their base with lies and fear-mongering because it’s all they have.
The democrats are more of a mixed bag but they are at least doing some things that actually help and improve the lives of the average person instead of actively doing the opposite.
But that doesn’t fit within the centrist framework because they are just too smart
Its not that we are smarter, its just that we notice theyre good friends outside of work, and the worst of enemies when they are in front of the cameras, save for the hot mics surprises, it is pretty obvious that they need one another.
I for one, had a hard time not to laugh when vice president Harris said that those attempting to come in to America illegalt should just turn around.
Theyre both the same shit but with a different bad flavour.
Also, when they do not want to abstain from a vote, when they do not want to vote yay or nay, because what you need to vote goes against the promise you made your voters? Why not just… Not show up :))) They can criticize you but not hold it against you.
Anybody that think it is about morals and not money, I do not know what to tell you. Just look at the American wars
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Will, they’re wrong. You’re right about “You are either with, or against” thing.
Of course they are wrong. Anybody with a double digit IQ knows that it is wrong, yet I see it oh so often.