I didn’t read it like that. What I take from it is that he’s implying that the government uses something much stupider than sql, like Lotus1-2-3 or plain txt files or excel. I really wouldn’t be surprised that there’s some government department that had their IT done during the first Bush administration and didn’t really upgrade from it since.
There are also probably some departments that don’t get much funding, so they organise part of their work into some shared excel files.l
Nothing really wrong with that. Unless he’s implying that the entire federal government works like that, which is preposterously stupid.
In my first year of high school I had Latin, which I hated with a passion. Before, I thought that it would boil down to learning some common words and sayings and proverbs, but no. It was learning latin as a foreign language. I don’t think I was taught anything remotely as useless as that. And I really don’t like the teacher and she didn’t like me and it was truly awful and I hated every second of it. It was so awful that I had nightmares about it, even years after high school.
A couple (two I think) of years after that latin studies I saw the Life of Brian for the first time. I didn’t know what I was going to see, so when the “romanus eunt domus” scene came. It wasn’t just hilariously funny it was also cathartic.
So I’d say that. I remember that sketch almost by heart since the first time I saw it.