Doesn’t make it ok.
Doesn’t make it ok.
Remember when Transmetropolitan made this seem cool
I might just be really cynical but that may be why they even agreed to this in the first place.
3% on Netflix is really good. Definitely do the english subtitles instead of the dubbing though, it sounds ridiculous.
Well that sounds like it would be a drastic change from the status quo /s
And anyway, CA just passed a bill to do exactly that (psychiatric commitment solely through the criminal justice system) but for any crime. It’s supposed to address homelessness (?) but that kind of power will get fucked up and out of control really fast. It’s like they got it backwards. God forbid they address the people with the literal murder weapons. No. Let’s go punish the people without rent bills and mortgages. That makes perfect sense.
only affects law abiding citizens while criminals ignore the law
This is a fantastic argument for having no laws. Ever.
Seeing technology consistently putting people out of work is enough for people to see it as a problem. You shouldn’t need to be an expert in it to be able to have an opinion when it’s being used to threaten your source of income. Teachers have to do more work and put in more time now because ChatGPT has affected education at every level. Educators already get paid dick to work insane hours of skilled labor, and students have enough on their plates without having to spend extra time in the classroom. It’s especially unfair when every student has to pay for the actions of the few dishonest ones. Pretty ironic how it’s set us back technologically, to the point where we can’t use the tech that’s been created and implemented to make our lives easier. We’re back to sitting at our desks with a pencil and paper for an extra hour a week. There’s already AI “books” being sold to unknowing customers on amazon. How long will it really be until researchers are competing with it? Students won’t be able to recognize the difference between real and fake academic articles. They’ll spread incorrect information after stealing pieces of real studies without the authors’ permission, then mash them together into some bullshit that sounds legitimate. You know there will be AP articles (written by AI) with headlines like “new study says xyz!” and people will just believe that shit.
When the government can do its job and create fail safes like UBI to keep people’s lives/livelihoods from being ruined by AI and other tech, then people might be more open to it. But the lemmy narrative that overtakes every single post about AI, that says the average person is too dumb to be allowed to have an opinion, is not only, well, fucking dumb, but also tone deaf and willfully ignorant.
Especially when this discussion can easily go the other way, by pointing out that tech bros are too dumb to understand the socioeconomic repercussions of AI.
They’re agreeing with you by saying that no one’s sexuality should be forced to be disclosed, much less should it require justification unless absolutely necessary.
And you’ve written some painfully edited highly professional email to your professor or boss and the response you get back from them is a single sentence, not even a signature.
So glad they made it such a point to teach us to write professional emails in my freshman year of college.
More like 80s babies, since we were actually old enough to remember those first two things
a de facto guilty verdict. We already saw this with Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.
We only saw this with Amber Heard. Speaking of simping, Depp had an army of incels and “men’s rights” douchers behind him from the get go. Anyone who had any objective comments about that whole case would get chewed out and brigaded by a bunch of insecure woman beaters standing up for poor little Johnny Depp. The worst was how everyone acted like they knew both of their lives inside and out, and they really believed that they were experts on their situation because they watched livestreamed court proceedings. It is a great example, just in the opposite direction.
Apparently the weather stations in the SoCal desert didn’t see it coming at all. Not sure how that’s possible, but that’s what they said Friday. Tons of flooding in Palm Springs and Vegas too.
Same with every festival. So disappointing that I’ll never have the chance to experience (or be able to afford, regardless) the way Coachella or Burning Man was when I was younger.
The phrase “the police should have handled it better but…” should just be outlawed. I guess it does let everyone know to never have a conversation with whoever says it though, so I guess there’s that.
This 21 Year old has a 6 and 3 year old sons. I’ll let you do the math on that. But it adds up to before some states had bans.
First of all, red states made it next to impossible to get abortions even when it was legal. Also, they cost money. Contrary to apparent popular belief, George Soros or the DNC don’t just appear to fund every abortion. Or, sometimes people are Catholic, which is fucking stupid, but maybe there’s some family shit you don’t know about. Especially for a minor trying to get an abortion. Again, contrary to popular belief, they weren’t just being handed out for free on every corner to every 16 year old who wanted one. There were still a million obstacles long before the Dobbs decision.
Second, “I’ll let you do the math” is a judgey, self-righteous, and gross statement.
temporary custody
Why is it next to impossible for people to get approved to adopt, but any asshole can become a foster parent? I think you need more in-depth screenings to adopt from pet rescues. If the US is going to force pregnancy on people, then they really need to get a handle on the foster system. Because it’s always about “protecting the children,” right?
Exactly. Plus it just further stigmatizes people with actual mental illnesses by constantly associating them with the absolute worst dregs of society. Why is it so hard for people to understand that there’s a wealth of sadistic, selfish, and unfathomably stupid people out there in the world, and none of those things automatically equate to mental illness.
Anytime there’s a conversation about trump, fascism, and white supremacists in America, there’s always at least one of the “dEmOcrAtS sHoUld HaVE dOnE MoRe” crowd. It’s so stupid, I can’t help but think it’s very intentional misdirection. Like it’s some astroturfed bullshit from a conservative think tank.
America is shitty for the poor (there is no middle class anymore). So at this point, if voting for someone who is not a fucking fascist dictator is all we can do, then that’s what we’re going to do.
I would still guess 26 year old wouldn’t care about any of that.
Exactly. I never understood how everyone got on board with hating her so quickly and easily. She runs the wildlife rescue and had been fighting for a law like this for years. But everyone just believed the clown car of tiger king people when they would talk shit about her. Of course they hated her. She was trying to stop them from abusing animals for profit.