I just called my local McDonalds to see if they would add AI to my burger. They were pretty rude considering I just turned their whole business model on it’s head. I guess being a tortured genius really does have its drawbacks.
I just called my local McDonalds to see if they would add AI to my burger. They were pretty rude considering I just turned their whole business model on it’s head. I guess being a tortured genius really does have its drawbacks.
Me while packing - “What if I shit my pants every day I’m there?”
I always find these arguments are almost in bad faith. Sure there are always alternatives, but that’s like saying the alternative to driving to work is walking. It works, but only so far as it is practical. I am so glad I found Lemmy and fortunately the community has been forced here by Reddit, but how many posts were on this platform 2 days ago, how many will be here in a week? I am hopeful this will last, but platforms are only as powerful as their users, and the general public tends to congregate in the largest, easiest to use location.
The last panel should be the fox digging a shallow grave for Apollo
I haven’t played since AC 3, but this one is looking amazing. I think we are coming back to the root mechanics with this game and focusing more an assassinations and missions rather than open world exploration. I’m tentatively excited! But as always, no pre-orders!
Imagine sitting down and feeling the squish of wet fabric beneath you.
When you overstep and have to say “Oh yeah right, those purists are crazy”
If a call is important enough for me to call back, they’ll leave a voicemail
How’s everyone liking it so far?!?!
Now all we need is a boat that does tourism for the sunken submarine to eventually sink and the cycle will begin anew.