I’m not that bad. C’mon now.
Glances at fox news
No Fox, no! Don’t hurt my RiF!
I was framed.
It really do be like that
Truly a Corpo Reddit moment.
If they didn’t make all stupidly nearsighted decisions they could’ve been a leading AI company, especially with all those language data they’ve been collecting almost exclusively with all the spam filterations mods been doing for free. Stupid as hell.
They just want to sell ads. Corporate profit moment.
Why not just charge a reasonable amount for the api then? It’s more complicated than that I think.
they are doing it so they can show the investors that an API request costs A amount and each request earns B amount, and we get C amount of API requests a day so in theory they will earn C(B-A). which will be a larger number if B is bigger which is what they have changed recently. This is all about the IPO.
The last panel should be the fox digging a shallow grave for Apollo
The bastard. At least pay me for your mess.