is Python’s package manager.
is Python’s package manager.
Wtfs. I used to see them every year as a kid…
Let’s start doing the same to the journalists
Welp, quantum computers have certain advantages (finding elements in O(sqrt(n)) time complexity, factorizing primes, etc). The difficulty is actually making everything stable because these machines are pretty complex.
Most water?
Comment removed or am i dumb? What did it say?
I actually didn’t know about these apps. very nice
Omg, that’s terrible. What game it? asking for a friend
Thrown in a ditch
I would not like my dick to be in the back blast. How was he able to pass on genetic material? 🤔
I will not use youtube and use ads. The sooner they break my adblocker, the sooner i won’t be on their platform
pros: concordE
cons: none
verdict: yes
Sussy, but i’m glad
I’ve known about it since 2019. One of my professors at uni specifically pointed this out.
Finally, I’ll have decent teammates in Countrstrike 2.