“Died unblocking my sacral Chakra.”
“Died unblocking my sacral Chakra.”
I also recommend StreetComplete (fdroid), an app that lets you contribute to the OpenStreetMaps database. It shows you a local map and asks questions like, how wide is this road? What kind of road is it? Is there a pedestrian crossing here? What kind of parking is here? How do power lines attach to this pole? etc.
Finally uninstalled Google Maps. Installed Organic Maps, instead. (f-droid).
You just couldn’t resist sucking up to Trump, could you Google? Remember when your company motto was, “don’t be evil?” That was 20 years ago.
This. And there is no way Trump will keep any “deal” that costs him money. He has literally built his business around stiffing contractors. No one should trust him or expect him to keep his word.
Just wait until bots learn how to write agit-prop. We won’t be able to keep up with it.
Huffing Donald Trump’s farts isn’t a “job.”
Company-wide email: “We’ve had our best year ever and it’s all thanks to YOU!”
Me: “Great. Can I have a raise?”
Company: “Oh, we can’t afford THAT.”
You’ll probably be installing programs and changing a lot of settings over the next few weeks. Make sure you use TimeShift (pre-installed on Mint) to make system snapshots. (It works like System Restore on Windows. You can even run it from your Linux Live flash drive if you mess up something so badly that you can’t boot from the hard drive).
LibreOffice comes pre-installed and you can use Thunderbird for email. And if you used Steam to play games on Windows, you’re in for a nice surprise. Steam has a native Linux client and it uses Proton / Wine to let you play your Windows games on Linux. It’s handled everything I’ve thrown at except for a couple of older games.
A media player that isn’t just a modified android tablet in a box with an HDMI output. (And loaded with spyware). And doesn’t require an always-on internet connection.
Yup. If your company is too cheap to do pizza parties anymore then either the pizza is too expensive for them to provide (bad sign) or management can’t spare you being off the clock for an hour (another bad sign).
I still have an old, Viewsonic media player. I wish I could find a modern one that didn’t need an always-on Internet connection.
A . . . “final solution” you might say.
These companies are already running your resume through multiple AI passes before a human being ever sees it. They can bite my ass and choke on it. I’ll use whatever advantage I can get.
Yup. This nonsense (pcie-5 burnout) should have been detected immediately during quality control.
Giving you contradictory orders is standard operating procedure for cops whenever they need an excuse to abuse or kill you.
“Get on the ground!”
“Don’t move!”
“Disperse or you’ll be fired upon!”
Kettles (concentrates) protestors into a small area and keeps them from dispersing.
I think a better question is, how do we make our elected representatives care? (The answer, of course, is by not electing a**holes, but that’s not going to happen until people really start to suffer).
Does it physically hurt to be that stupid?
I like the SearX search engine. It gives old-school, relevant search results, not google ranked ones.
It’s also spread out over many separate instances, so you can pick the one that best suits your search needs:
I recommend Keepass. It’s freeware, is available on all platforms and supports biometrics (fingerprints, etc) on Android devices. It also encrypts the password file on your device, so you can keep a copy of that file on a cloud service without worrying if that service really respects your privacy or not.