If you’re bored and looking for something (un)interesting to read - you can see some of the legal filings surrounding the lawsuit for non-payment of rent on their SF headquarters on this website.
If you’re bored and looking for something (un)interesting to read - you can see some of the legal filings surrounding the lawsuit for non-payment of rent on their SF headquarters on this website.
Seems like it’d be kind of useful for people who like to have their cat or dog curled up into their lap while they read. Now both of your hands are totally free to stroke/scratch your pet!
Those all-in-one chat programs like Trillian, Adium, and Pidgin were what I ended up using.
The PCIe 6 spec was finalized in early 2022 but - despite most every article saying to expect PCIe 6 hardware w/in 12-18 months of the finalization (which is right about now) I haven’t seen anything out there for sale yet. Perhaps it’s just going to be one of those PCIe generations that won’t gain much traction.
Well, the Denver Nuggets finally won their first ever NBA championship while the NBA subreddit was closed. It’ll be interesting to see what happens when the sub reopens since - from what I understand - the decision to close that sub was not very popular with the users.
I suppose the protest may have played a role in the site going down but I thought the outage was mostly due to the cloudflare issues from earlier in the day.
Yeah, when the Wikipedia page for the Radeon RX 7000 includes this warning:
You know things have gotten a bit out of hand with respect to AMD’s GPU naming conventions.