thats kinda hilarious
Just one thing, must be indefinitely not 48h, otherwise nothing will change. A year have 365 days, 48h it’s a weekend, if subreddits come back after 48h it’s nothing happened.
I think that stating it as 48 hours was smart. Because if subreddits start saying it’s indefinite, then they have time to start replacing mods and shutting the protest down. Whereas here, 48 hours will pass. They lose a lot of money in just 2 days. And if nothing changes, you’ll likely see decreased quality and/or continued protest.
I think it left room at the table for reddit to cooperate. It’s a common bargaining thing.
I agree with you and I fear that is exactly what will happen.
I saw a lot of people saying they used bots to rewrite their entire post history to things like “fuck /u/spez”
I’m thinking that amount of comment editing might be quite the spike on the servers.
I did that, but not “fuck u/spez” because that might get the comment deleted altogether making the edit meaningless. Instead I edited to say the comments been deleted in protest against the API changes.
If enough of us do it, entire comment chains will be illegible lol
I fully committed. My 10+ year account is now deleted.
I didn’t delete my count but I did use redact to change the titles and comment to reflect I left because of the api changes.
Blew up my 11 year account. Lemmy got memes and the porn showed up as expected. No reason to go back.
H-How does one find the porn…
How much spaghetti is your code if most of the communities switching to private fucks up your website?
goto 10
Let it burn to fucking ash!
That was honestly hilarious, they deserve those problems and more.
Our collective swan song of fuck /u/spez, from Hell’s heart I stab at thee.
I suppose the protest may have played a role in the site going down but I thought the outage was mostly due to the cloudflare issues from earlier in the day.
Good riddance!
A significant number of subreddits shifting to private caused some expected stability issues, and we’ve been working on resolving the anticipated issue.
How in the world does setting a bunch of subs to private crash the website?
It’s the user/moderator fault. If they would just keep working without pay there wouldn’t be any problem. /s
honestly I figured it’d be the result of all those people running deletion scripts on their accounts
High-scale software is complex, sometimes there are edge cases where weird unexpected stuff happens. This isn’t a situation they would normally run into.
It absolutely is something they would normally run into. I work on maintaining a massive application; think 60+ teams of 6, each extremely specialized and minimal overlap. Almost 75% of my job is predicting issues and avoiding them. Peer testing draws on this a ton as well. They just continue to plainly show that they don’t care. Time and time again, year after year, they continue to have the exact same issues and do fuck all about it.
Why would they normally run into 6000+ subs going private? I’m sure they tested that their code can generally handle some (usually smaller) subs going private, but the number and size of the subs going dark isn’t a normal scenario and I doubt anyone would have assumed such a successful and coordinated protest involving some of the biggest subs would even be possible a few months ago.
Someone on Tilde posted that they used to work for Reddit and the way they have the front page set up to pull your subscribed subreddits and the ones that you might like to read from is spaghetti code and very brittle.