Thanks for linking the GH issue!
Thanks for linking the GH issue!
It opens the item (post, comment) in the instance that it was created on. For example I’m on so if I click on that button of your post it opens this post on, which is your instance.
I added a mark as read button to the posts but now patiently waiting till the WebSockets -> REST API transition is complete so it can get merged.
The front end needs a lot of work… Every bit is appreciated and the maintainers are pretty fast at reviewing and providing feedback which is nice to see.
Don’t feel the need to “fit in with the crowd”. Individuality is more fun anyways.
There’s the setting „Show read posts“ which can be disabled to hide already read and/or up-/downvoted posts.
What an awesome time to be alive if you just look at the scientific progress and ignore the slow societal collapse.
I looked into this on GitHub and this will be fixed when the switch away from WebSockets will be completed (soontm)
Yeah I’m really scared on how that will turn out. I want to believe in Bethesda but I can’t after all those releases…
I get this falling feeling very regularly, like nearly nightly. You get used to it and now it’s like an indicator for me that I’m about to fall asleep.
Same, kinda missing all the videos and gifs from that other place
Or maybe ARPGs like Diablo 4 / Lost Epoch, they also feature a mostly static top down camera.
Make sure that your framerate and especially frame timings are consistent and high (low for frame timings). I experienced motion sickness myself when this wasn’t the case.
Yeah that’s probably not gonna happen, they have communicated that they won’t give up without a fight.
Interesting, how did they solve it?
Absolutely, I tried switching to it using bridges for all my messaging accounts and the performance was abhorrent, mind you just me, a single user on a self hosted instance.
Discord is not a bad bet, but I think they still have like 2-4years in them.
Yes that docker-compose will start all the things needed.
Yeah I would create a copy of an existing or the default theme, of course you can also use the Bootstrap Theme builder linked there but I have never used it myself before so I don’t know how well that’s gonna work.
Wtf just do your calls in the stairway awkwardly smiling at passing coworkers like the rest of us