Oh look, it’s on sale!
Oh look, it’s on sale!
Good thing these statements are not absolute then. Anecdotally I am way more happy thanks to my well praying job, even though the only change in my life apart from that was getting a driver’s license.
Impressive. Very nice. Now let’s see the random read/write speed.
Aaaand that’s why I switched to Brave. If you have shit performance and are selling my data, what’s the redeeming quality? 8gb of RAM should be enough to browse the internet. IDK why Firefox insists it isn’t…
Ofc it goes both ways. To them, everything you listed is basically truth. Something so obvious everybody knows (ok maybe not the ice cream machine). They need a bigger conspiracy. Something most people would never believe.
Stopped being poor. My family instilling a poverty mindset meant stuff breaking led to many negative emotions. If you stop caring about how much that can ruin your financial situation, that’s a massive reduction in stress and anger.
I pronounce dragon as dragòn, if you know what I mean.
A comfortable 16c. 18 if I really want it to get hot.
No, I literally cannot muster the willpower to switch.
Use a bottle (don’t do this).
Liquids aren’t even the issue. Salt is. Every time I gorge myself on some smoked salmon before bedtime I inevitably wake up in the middle of the night. Apparently getting rid of some salt is somehow now important than a good night’s sleep. My bladder isn’t going to corrode just because I have slightly more salt in it. Let me fucking sleep!
That is actually an advantage. Centralized platforms are able to achieve larger audiences, increasing the chance that I will be able to find content I actually care about.
Can a human tongue discern the taste of a TCP packet compared to an UDP packet?
Isn’t the whole point of owning a BMW or an Audi to show that you actually are superior to everybody else? That’s why I hope to own a BMW one day.
There is a fundamental shift if priorities once people leave education. Unlike knowledge, pretty much everything else costs a specific amount of money. You realize how many things can be directly solved with money and when you have none, of course the world will feel devoid of opportunities. Best to cultivate relationships that are not based on money, because that’s one thing you don’t have to pay for.
90% of the reason I even have discord is because people much smarter than me use it to share information. Nobody uses other areas suited for sharing information anymore. It’s either Reddit or discord.
And once the insects have finished eating the substance, there will be nothing remaining.
Commission fees are less than a buck. The rules don’t change just because you have little money.