Not all ideas are good, but a good idea can come from anywhere.
If you’re looking to research more on this, look for “body doubling”. It’s the only way I get anything important done.
I wanted to install an extra hard drive in my computer, but the power supply didn’t have enough connectors. I actually had a spare power supply unit, but upon testing, the 24 pin cable was too short to reach the motherboard.
I ended up using both PSUs. Only one had a power switch on it, so that was connected to the hard drives. I had to use a paperclip in the unused 24 pin connector to make it output power. The 2 PSUs had a wire running between the ground pins of a random unused connector, and they were on the same phase circuit.
The hard drive PSU had to be turned on first at the switch. Once that was on, I could press the power button to turn on the computer. I think I used it for about a year before buying enough upgrade parts to effectively replace the entire computer.
I still see this every few months.
I think it’s happening if a key is released at the same time as a window opens or changes to full screen, but it’s too rare to properly troubleshoot. The fix is still the same.
deleted by creator
You don’t need to do everything every day. Some days, surviving is enough.
I read through seeming endless logs from a battle simulation and used these log to improve the accuracy of the simulation. It may seem like tedious work not fitting of a Klingon warrior, but now our brothers and sisters will be more prepared with a fair simulation as they train FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
I decided to use NAND instead of NOR, but it’s effectively the same thing.
def main(): Unit =
var i = 15 //Choose any number here
i = add(i, 1) //this increments i
//Adds 2 numbers in the most intuitive way
def add(a: Int, b: Int): Int =
val pairs = split(a).zip(split(b))
val sumCarry = pairs.scanLeft(false, false)((last, current) => fullAdder(current._1, current._2, last._2))
return join(sumCarry.map(_._1).tail.reverse)
//Converts an integer to a list of booleans
def join(list: Seq[Boolean]): Int = BigInt(list.map(if (_) '1' else '0').mkString, 2).toInt
//Converts a list of booleans to an integer
def split(num: Int): Seq[Boolean] = num.toBinaryString.reverse.padTo(32, '0').map(_ == '1')
//Adds 2 booleans and a carry in, returns a sum and carry out
def fullAdder (a: Boolean, b: Boolean, c: Boolean): (Boolean, Boolean) =
(NAND(NAND(NAND(NAND(a, NAND(a, b)), NAND(NAND(a, b), b)), NAND(NAND(NAND(a, NAND(a, b)), NAND(NAND(a, b), b)), c)), NAND(NAND(NAND(NAND(a, NAND(a, b)), NAND(NAND(a, b), b)), c), c)), NAND(NAND(NAND(NAND(a, NAND(a, b)), NAND(NAND(a, b), b)), c), NAND(a, b)))
//The basis for all operations
def NAND(a: Boolean, b: Boolean): Boolean = !a || !b
EDIT: replaced Integer.parseInt
with BigInt(...).toInt
to fix NumberFormatException
with negative numbers.
try it online here
LocalSend. File transfer between any devices with (almost) any OS over LAN. No account required. The best file transfer app I’ve ever encountered by far.
StreetComplete. Get motivated to go outside with quests to help complete OpenStreetMaps. Surprisingly addictive. Requires an OpenStreetMaps account.
f.lux. Remove the blue light from your computer monitor in the evening to help you fall asleep more easily. Redshift. As above. Not quite as good, but works on some OS/System configurations that f.lux can’t handle.
Pulsar. A community version of the discontinued Atom text editor. Highly extendable and configurable. Great for small programming tasks or opening text files with an obscure syntax. Has most of the packages built for Atom.
Home Assistant. For automating your house and more (controlling smart lights and appliances, monitoring solar panel output, weather forecasts, printer diagnostics, delivery tracking…). A dedicated device (Raspberry Pi, old laptop) is highly recommended. A bit of a learning curve, but hard to live without after using it.
They were possibly confusing nitrogen with carbon dioxide. CO2 will definitely lead to distress in high concentrations, and has been used in some slaughterhouses.
Most Russian people have committed no crime, and many do not support what their leader has done. We should not condem people for the country they were born in.
I have used Kagi for several weeks and can’t go back. I can finally find things on the internet again and I don’t want to lose that again.
Interesting extension. I think I’ll give it a try.
It is entirely open source, and the website does a very good job explaining what it does and why.
Be aware that an underpowered or stuck stepper motor can “skip”, causing the position data to be incorrect.
A servo motor has active feedback, so doesn’t have this issue. Servos do have their own drawbacks too, so they are not always a suitable replacement.
It’s likely been hacked by someone who guessed the default login details (when was the last time you changed the password on your washing machine), and is being used for malicious purposes such as DDoS attacks.
I find your lack of comma disturbing.
Prey gives you the choices up front, tells you they don’t matter, then gives you a really good game to play.
The way you play is entirely up to you, but that’s the point. Are you who you say you are? It’s easy to say whether you’ll flip a switch or push a person when you’re answering questions at a desk, but it’s suddenly much harder when you’re actually faced with the problem. What will you choose?