I hopes she wins and dismantles the police department for being a useless waste of money.
Don’t dismantle it. Launch an investigation, bring charges, publicize the trial, convict the officers, and lock them up.
She’s trying to be mayor, not the queen.
One mayor stands no chance against the system of DAs, lawyers, unions, and judges, that protect the police.
Between qualified immunity and “no specific obligation to protect”, you’d be hard pressed to find any charges that stick.
And then dismantle the department.
Is this the same woman the cops threatened with a probation violation if she didn’t stop being so vocal about the extent of their worthlessness?
Regardless, I wish her all the best and hope she succeeds!
Edit: Not the same woman, but good time to remind people that they were scumbags all the way through even after the shooting was done. https://www.newsweek.com/uvalde-mom-who-saved-kids-school-shooting-says-police-threatened-her-1712842
A mother who ran into Robb Elementary School to rescue her two children during a mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, last week says police threatened to violate her probation for speaking about the incident to reporters.
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If she wins, Uvalde will be better for it.
That was my going in position, but I appreciate the additional info nonetheless. Thanks!
Also running for mayor is Cody Smith, a senior vice president at the First State Bank of Uvalde. Smith previously held the post and was mayor from 2008 to 2012. Prior to being mayor, he was a member of the city council elected in 1995 and served for 12 years.
“I would come to the position with some experience,” said Smith, “[…] and then I just want to do anything I can to help this community, you know, heal and, you know, and prosper.”.
Uh you know, stuff and, uh, and things. Not for money or anything.
his first initiative would be building a committee consisting of city, county and school district members to work towards a permanent memorial to honor the lives lost at Robb Elementary.
Well, there’s progress. /s
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Also we will put all sorts of religious bullshit all over the memorial because god.
Damn modern medicine making kids love past age 5. God needs dead kids.
Good for her, hope she can win, and make some good changes. Though I’m not super hopeful.
I hope she wins. Those parents have kohongas of titanium to do what they’re doing in spite of their immense pain. 🥰✊️
Based. I wish her well.
She won’t win. The majority of the town voted Republican after the shooting. They don’t care.
You’re getting downvoted, but you’re right. Voters already had a chance to make a difference and chose not to.
She will most likely be terrorized by the police until she wins, but I hope she uses it for publicity.
It seems like the only hope of any true change is to get people that have been deeply impacted by these events into office. Good luck to her.
Good luck!
She’ll soon discover that being the Mayor is not actually that powerful or useful of a position to effect change from. It’s a very limited position.
It’s more powerful than not being mayor.
This might be unpopular, but I’m not sure how being the mother of a victim is a qualification to be mayor. I’m not saying changes in the police force aren’t needed but being a mayor isn’t a single issue position.
That’s not what qualifies her. She works at the local newspaper. She knows what is going on in the community. That is what qualifies her. That she also has an agenda to improve things because of the loss she went through is secondary, but still important.
Are you going to make us list all the politicians who have zero qualifications now? Like a certain Congress woman with barely a GED? It seems the only qualification Republicans require these days is to not give a shit about anyone else.
The qualification barrier is extremely low. Virtually anyone can run for mayor.
She hot as fuck my goddamn