I certainly can, that doesn’t make the extrapolation correct. It’s particularly ironic that you’ve chosen to infer these conclusions in a conversation about the rigor of empirical study.
At no point did they characterize either science or scientists, the latter they never even mention. Their only mention of science is:
Some people, like myself, have no problem accepting that we can’t explain everything with science and data and math.
Which not a characterization of the scientific method. The characterization is a non-empirical, unscientific inference based on your own assumptions.
I certainly can, that doesn’t make the extrapolation correct. It’s particularly ironic that you’ve chosen to infer these conclusions in a conversation about the rigor of empirical study.
At no point did they characterize either science or scientists, the latter they never even mention. Their only mention of science is:
Which not a characterization of the scientific method. The characterization is a non-empirical, unscientific inference based on your own assumptions.