• EuroNutellaMan@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    these countless scientists (accounting for less than 2% of the scientific community), are they in the room with us right now?

    Also Greta doesn’t control literally anyone, doesn’t require unwavering devotion and most importantly it is not a spiritual belief that human-made climate change is a thing. In fact it’s a well established fact by now.

    Because 1 moron screaming that the sky is green does not make the sky green just because he’s “providing an alternative” to what the other 99 people are saying after looking up at the sky and seeing it is blue. Scientists are also not telling people to repent, they’re telling people there needs to be a system change and they’re also telling politicians that they need to enact policies to contrast climate change, and the same is what activists ask for. You’d know if you spent some time looking at what they say rather than what the media says about them.

    You know who actually is both telling people to repent for their own emissions and also spreading misinformation about climate change and financing those “alternative science”? Oil companies. I wonder why.