My intersts keep changing everyday and that is annoying me, i just need one thing that is easy but effective that i can work on doing. i have a problem with bordom becasue im almost constantly bored and i need something to ditract me from when im down.

is there something you can think of that is cheap or free also im autistic and dylexic and i usally make post about boredom.

    2 years ago

    Making a movie can be hard, but remember that you don’t need to be good at it right away, and you’ll get there if you work on it. And start small. You can stream playing games for a while, and then figure out a more complicated setup as you go. Same with YouTube, you can start with simple videos and minimal editing, and add more stuff going forward. Does that make sense?

    When I said digital media, I meant making songs, movies, or pictures. I suggested that because you don’t need to go buy a lot of equipment and materials.