The PeerTube instance that I have been uploading to is no more. I think there are around 70 edits of mine that are no longer accessible. If there was a catbox link, they may still work. This represents hundreds of hours of work that I did that have simply vanished. If a link is broken, let me know and I can see if I still have the files for it. Thank you all for watching the things I’ve made/

    1 month ago

    I think your question is related to this part:

    It’s also important to remember that syncing services like DropBox or iCloud are NOT backups. If a file is deleted or damaged in one location, that change will sync to all the other locations and the previous version of the file is very difficult to recover, even by the engineers running those services.

    In your hypothetical scenario: no, your Dropbox files would not be lost. After you lose your laptop and HDD, if you were to buy a new laptop, you should be able to download your files from Dropbox just fine.

    What that comment is talking about is how when your local files are synchronized with Dropbox, any changes locally get synchronized out to your Dropbox version. If you delete the file locally, a request gets sent out to the Dropbox servers to delete it there. If your file gets corrupted locally, that newer corrupted version gets sent off to the Dropbox servers to overwrite the intact version.

    But if your laptop burns up, it doesn’t send off a request to delete or corrupt the file on the Dropbox servers or anything. You just lose your local copy.

      1 month ago

      Thank you for answering my question. I was half awake when I typed it and if I had thought a little longer I would have figured that out eventually. :)