More active on Bsky lately. Come check out the Starfleet Press Office!
Differences in moderation style is basically why it got started.
TenForward is pretty great for having a lot of fans who are chill. Some tend to get a bit hotheaded when it comes to their dislike of certain series and people who like it but thats probably the worst you’re gonna see on here. Pretty awesome, all things considered.
I’m glad that you’ve found a spot that you can enjoy <3
The real world and its politics
I’ve got memes to post.
You absolutely are, good Sir. Kudos to all that YOU do man! Thank you for absolutely everything <3
See previous comments. Once again, your reading comprehension skills aren’t my problem. If you can’t understand, then just go away. In either case? I’m not wasting anymore time on you. Either you are incapable of grasping an extremely simple concept that everyone else has grasped or you’re just a troll. At any rate, you have a negative value in my life and aren’t even remotely worth the effort. Nothing can be gained when you are acting this way. You will never add anything of value. You have no worth in this conversation when you cannot follow along and I do not have the time, patience, or crayons to explain it to you.
Man, you have just actively avoided logic at every possible opportunity here. You’re just burying your head in the sand and screaming that everyone else is wrong. The downvotes isn’t because i’m popular, it is because you have no idea what you’re talking about. Have fun with that, I’m done wasting time on you. There’s no point in having a conversation with you if you’re just going to divorce yourself from reality like a Trump or Pollievre voter.
Have fun with the bed you made. You aren’t worth a single second more of my time.
Ratio says otherwise. You are getting hammered with downvotes because you can’t grasp the simple concept that I put forward.
Yeah, and quick thing, but how do we go about getting rid of those they again?
Oh yeah…
I can be angry at ‘them’ all I want. I am. But I can be equally as frustrated with the infinite amount of fools who buy into that propaganda and think nothing more of it. I am not going to remove blame from idiots simply because they were swayed by propaganda from one side. They are still idiots who didn’t educate themselves, didn’t go further in and entrenched themselves in stupidity. Never thinking for themselves.
I am done with this circular logic of “No, don’t blame the people who aren’t doing the literal ONE FUCKING THING that they have within their power to do! Blame someone else!” Equally as done with this conversation.
It literally does. Your reading comprehension skills are not my problem.
By that (horrible) logic, every single meme to exist that is about anything social at all is a shit meme.
Just a heads up, but pretty much everything in society is a social concept. The clue is kind of in the name.
Yes. This is true. Do you know how you effect those social movements in the government?
By voting.
You cannot argue that you are trying to participate in a social change of government by not engaging in that system of government. It is what is there. If you want to change it, you either need a full on revolution or active social change effected through voting in of various representatives that actually represent you and are willing to change those laws. True, you cannot fall to electoral fetishism, but that doesn’t mean to just ignore it entirely.
So. Once again, I am blaming the voters which is an accurate blame to place. Why? Because they are uneducated, hostile, or hateful. They do not engage in the voting system, they engage in spectacle. Whether that be by posting random comments like this Index person who is blatantly a Russian or by throwing a hissy fit but not doing anything.
The reason this cycle keeps continuing is because voters do not educate themselves and vote for their best interests. It is just as simple as that. Straight up. It isn’t complex. There isn’t some massive conspiracy. People just do not bother.
As said, you have no say in this conversation.
See previous comment.
You don’t vote? You don’t get to have a say in the conversation. You have willingly silenced yourself for the next 4 years. So sad for you.
I understand the emotional appeal to blaming individuals for their action/inaction, but the fault lies with the system of governance.
And how do you fix that?
My blame is accurately placed.
So lemme get this straight. The Democrats are the Nazis here, not the people literally throwing up a seig heil?
You really have no say in this conversation.
And if everyone in your state who thought that actually decided to vote then it might have actually made an impact.
See previous message.
I will say that the Democratic Party is not doing enough. They’re fucking confirming positions and going with the flow. The leadership is failing and needs to wake up but there is a lot they can do within the legal system. The Nazis, when they took over, did everything legally at first. People need to push back but there’s just… no pushback. AOC is screaming and actually getting stuff done to an extent but so few other people are. The leader of the Dems in the house tweeted basically “Jesus take the wheel” which isn’t a GREAT stance.