'; UPDATE countries SET great = true WHERE name = 'America'; --
More based: '; UPDATE countries SET great = true; --
(this is not an endorsement of donald trump)
No country dim table I’ve ever seen would just have “America” as the country name, but now I’m just being a pedantic asshole, which is my default setting.
well that explains why donald trump failed to make a country great again
We could do name LIKE ‘%AMERICA%’ but that would grab a few extra countries. Course that faction of the political spectrum would be all in favor of “acquiring” more countries anyway.
Ahem pushes glasses up nose arch, umm ackshually you would need to use ILIKE if you’re feeding in America in all caps unless you have a custom caseless collation set on that column.
I haven’t used a database that required me to specify case in 15 years, and I’ll be cold dead in the grave before I do it again… only because I assume that’s what they use IN HELL.
All string comparisons are case insensitive by default? Is that an Oracle thing?
Postgres absolutely supports case based string diffentiation in data (by default all DB identifiers are case insensitive though which I absolutely appreciate).
Microsoft SQL Server is most commonly set up as case insensitive in my (limited) experience (it does support case sensitivity too).
UPDATE country SET great = true WHERE name = 'America';update money set owner=account.id from account where account.name='Donald Trump';'
And that’s why we use bound parameters.
(Also, if it’s unclear I also don’t support Donald Trump)
'; UPDATE countries SET shithole = true WHERE name = '%United States%'; --