It’s Christmas and I’m not at work but my bloody alarm clock automation was set up wrong so my alarm went off at 6.30am and my body wouldn’t let me get back off to sleep.

So I made a coffee and sat down at my PC and went “What project am I sorting out now?” which is a typical thought when I’m out of bed before everyone else.

Today I knew my Wife wanted me to get the house tidy for Xmas so what better time to get my head around ToDo lists?

Incidentally I have just made a bed sensor so at some point I hit “Deploy” in Node Red and all my lights got brighter, which was odd because I wasn’t tinkering with them, but it turned out my Wife had just gotten out of bed and that turned off the night lights.

So I’ve made separate ToDo lists for each of us and made specific Lovelace pages for each of them. At certain times of the day Node Red will check if there’s jobs outstanding on the list and send an actionable notification if you’re home. The notification has a button that will open the Lovelace page with your list on.

I’ve then added a check of the number of jobs in the list and if they increase you get a notification. If they hit zero you get a congratulations notification.

Turns out it was a great project to set up. I’ve been adding jobs to the kids lists all day, they’ve been knocking them down again. Wife has added jobs to my list. Happy Wife happy Life eh?

So hopefully going forward there will be less conflict in the house over housework as they jobs will all be handed out with this method.

I’ve yet to set up recurring jobs like washing up or changing the cat litters, but theoretically I can add these automatically.

I’ve since taken what I’ve learned from this project and applied it to my shopping list. I’ve managed to import my Google Keep shopping list into HA and can now get actionable notification when I hit the supermarket, and still use Google Assistant to add items.

What do you use Todo lists to do? Is there some cool tricks I’m missing?

    3 months ago

    I created a view dedicated to my newborn. A to-do list is integrated, along with task buttons that automatically add to the list, along with a timestamp.

    It’s amazingly helpful and keeps my wife and I on the same page.

    I use a two button IKEA Zigbee remote near each diaper changing station. One button labeled “#1”, and the other, “#2”. 😉

    I also set up some voice commands through Google Home that will log various tasks to the HA to-do list.

    “Why’s the baby crying? * checks to-do list * Oh…it’s been three hours since I fed him 😑”