• Dragon Rider (drag)@lemmy.nz
    3 months ago

    Drag has no interest in making Trump better by helping him. Drag only wants to make him better by making him less able to hurt others. That’s why he deserves prison and not therapy.

    If you’re right, and Trump has NPD, imagine what a fully self-actualised Trump would look like: he doesn’t get offended when people call him weird. He’s able to maintain strong diplomatic relationships with as many foreign dictators as he likes. He’s not afraid of assassination attempts. He’s even more confident, AND he becomes well-spoken and coherent. He stops eating McDonald’s and starts working out, and that leads to him surviving another 15 years. That’s horrible! We don’t want Trump to be more functional than he already is! We want him scared, incoherent, and dying of cholesterol.

    Drag doesn’t actually think any of that hypothetical stuff is possible. Drag thinks Trump is already the best Trump he can be; that being an overgrown toddler is the limit of his potential. But if you’re right, then giving him a diagnosis and connecting him with a therapist would be horrible for the world.