I feel giddy. I had an idea and it worked beautifully.

Are you a fan of canned cinnamon rolls? Even as a half decent baker, I frequently don’t want to spend the time making rolls from scratch and I just want one ▪︎right now▪︎. It never mattered if I made the 8 pack from Pillsbury with soft little delicious puffs of dough or the 5 pack of actual rolls holding generous shmears of cinnamon filling. Neither of those varieties ever comes with enough damn icing!

I scrape and I scrape the little plastic container but it empties too fast. I tried warming it a bit, liquifying the icing just barely and drizzling it over the buns to make sure I got every last molecule of sugar out. Too soon and the hot buns finish melting the icing and it all pools down on the plate. Not enough. It’s never enough!

Then about a week ago, I had an epiphany during an all-nighter sugar craving. I recalled the tubs of cream cheese icing I hoarded from Lidl for when I want to make a quick batch of cupcakes.

I know. I know it’s stupid easy to make. I have developed a recipe that is pretty damn good IMHO. But the tedious clean up from making icing, powdered sugar coating everything, even my lungs, sometimes I opt for convenience.

Anyways, tub of icing in pantry. Check.

Then I recalled in my college years when an early internet forum suggested slightly microwaving a tub of icing and drizzling it over bundt cakes. My cake game got an immediate boost in approval from friends and family. I eventually moved away from store bought icing for most cake applications and this technique got shoved to the bottom of my brain stack.

So now… what if I microwaved that cream cheese icing tub and drowned some cinnamon buns with it? Holy Jesus on a cinnamon stick!

Yes, precious. That did it. THAT made the dopamine flow just as the sticky sweet slightly tangy cream cheese icing gently enveloped my buns cooling down from the oven. And now I share my little franken-roll hack with you.

  • Telorand@reddthat.com
    4 months ago

    I draw the line at store-bought icings, in part because they taste terrible and also because they have so much unnecessary additional garbage to keep it shelf-stable.

    However, I like your energy. At my house, we do something very similar, though we use a scratch recipe for the cream cheese icing.