Is there anything like a SimpleX group chat to join for us to talk, or should one be started?
SimpleX is not suitable for larger group chats.
XMPP has a few quite popular privacy related public channels:
(For those unaware: xmpp participant counts are actively connected users, not like Matrix or Discord that counts who ever joined the room years ago and never came back).
Define larger groups because I know for a fact that it can do chats of up to at least 1,000 people because I’m in two group chats that have that many on SimpleX.
I joined Privacy and Security
There is! But it’s only in signal
Why is this not linked in the sidebar?
edit: No matter what one thinks about the privacy aspects of Signal: If its an official discussion group of this community it should be in the sidebar - just like the Discord group. I therefore assume it’s unofficial or maybe not even related to this comunity?
Because Signal does not fully respect your privacy.
If by that you mean the Unix time, then yeah, but There has been documents showing that Signal doesn’t store sensitive plaintext data.
They force you to give them your phone number. No phone number = not allowed to use Signal. Plus, Signal uses servers from Big Tech (just search for it on reddit).
XMPP (mainly Snikket) is the best lightweight option.