Do you think this kind of thing is worrying or not?

    4 months ago

    The falcon rockets are fine but SpaceX has been raising prices on their launches since they won the majority of the contracts.

    It used to cost 20 million a seat on the Soyuz until Russia became the sole provider of crewed launches, then they raised the price to about 80 million a seat.

    Along comes musk and promises 20 million a seat and low and behold after the contracts are fulfilled they raise the price to 80 million as well.

    SpaceX is falling into the same rut every company that becomes a monopoly enters into, and Starship is Musk’s personal meme rocket the taxpayer has already shelled out 4 billion for, and there’s not even a launch with a working payload.

    SpaceX looks cool flashy as shit but they over-promise and under-deliver at the same rate Tesla does. Early success giving way to overconfidence and an inability to deliver on their lofty promises.