Yo, you can’t park there.
It is however a natural consequence of the fact that cars are fucked
It’s more to do with the fact that we’ve paved over every permeable surface with concrete, be it for cars, buildings, walkways.
We need to stop doing that. Focusing on cars exclusively as the problem rather than the problem being an urban design one in general side steps the actual issue.
Roads and buildings are typically the main impermeable surfaces. Sidewalks can be made of more permeable materials because they don’t need to handle nearly as much weight, tram lines only really need the rails, everything else can be permeable.
Buildings can be built to either collect their rainwater for later use, or funnel their rain water directly to sewers, reservoirs, or directly into the ground. Buildings also tend to be more beneficial to society per square foot of land than roads are.
Cars being the problem and urban design being the problem is practically the same thing, we’ve deaigned a significantl amount of our urban spaces specifically for cars.
Roads and parking lots are typically the main impermeable surfaces.
I’m including parking garages as parking lots.
Are you claiming buildings to be permeable? Most just shed water away from them and often directly to a road or parking lot. A bulding would need a dedicated stormwater plan, such as a retention pond, to reduce its impacts with impermeable surfaces in urban environments.
Step 1: build tram lines Step 2: plant grass between the tracks Step 3: profit
If my last name was “Ho”, I would definitely announce my presence anywhere I go with, “Did someone call for a Ho??”
Change first name to “Thundercats”
Haha, lets use this disaster that destroyed, and in many cases taken, people’s lives to further our agenda, haha…
Fucking gross.
The effects of the disaster were compounded by those cars in several ways, from climate change to almost every single surface in sight being paved with a material that can’t absorb water.
Floods used to happen before cars. The Biblical flood story was probably based on a real flood that wiped out a civilization.
Even within recorded history there have been floods not linked to modern (post-60’s, extinction-level) climate change.
Cars bad, yes. But if this had been 1000 years ago, this flood could still have occurred naturally, only the results would look more like a WWII carpet bombing, with much of the city flattened. And the most hilarious thing would be that there would have been done fucker saying, “this is God’s way of saying ‘fuck people’”.
It’s so laughable that in this day and age people run around saying “we have sinned, and are being punished for it! Repent!”
Agree with most of what you said, but one thing I’d emphasise is that whilst those kinds of natural disasters have happend throughout history, is the frequency of which they’re happening which is the concern.
You have storms which were once in a generation happening every 20 years or so now, and we’re the cause.
(A generation is about 20 years, though I get that you mean 80-100).
Once in a generation means within the lifespan of a generation, not till a new generation is born.
the frequency of which they’re happening which is the concern.
You have storms which were once in a generation happening every 20 years or so now, and we’re the cause.
Absolutely. I hope I was clear: we’re absolutely in a man-made climate crisis, and our global addiction to cars is part of it.
The only reason only the cars were affected wasn’t because nature hates cars, but because we build buildings betterw than we used to. Mud slides and floods have been wiping out entire towns since… well, since humans started building houses.
Ridiculously high/record rainfall amounts have happened several times this year. Catastrophic floods in multiple locations. Well above the typical worst flood of the year in a given year. Brazil had one I’ve never seen as bad. And OP’s picture is just insanely bad as well.
Hmm I’m seeing a lot of little Peugeots, Renaults and Seats in that pic.
Don’t think they did anywhere even close to as much climate damage as the selfish insecure cocksuckers in one country with their massive bloated SUVs and tiny-penis trucks
The agenda:
Can we stop fucking up the planet so this doesn’t happen?
But if you can’t make that point without punching down at people who have literally just lost everything (and who are categorically not personally responsible for climate change), maybe don’t fucking make it.
Learn to punch up at the people actually to blame, otherwise all you are is part of the fucking problem.
Can you explain how this post is punching down? I honestly don’t see it.
When it comes from the fuck cars community, with the fuck cars hashtag, it’s siting on a high horse to point and laugh with schadenfreude at the victims of this flood.
It implies that people owning cars is to blame for the disaster they fell victim to, when cars are just one of many many symptoms of the actual problem, and the people who own them are generally just trying to survive under the system that is destroying the planet for profit (as well as victims of trillion dollar industries like the auto and oil, but also advertising and branding and sales), not the culprits of climate change. They don’t deserve the “I told you so”, they deserve solidarity and unity against those who are actually responsible, and are not only not losing a thing, but making millions by the minute for it.
It’s “fuck cars” not “fuck people who drive cars”
Obviously the average driver is not responsible for the societal reliance on cars.
Obviously the average driver is not responsible for the societal reliance on cars.
Then maybe don’t use their suffering to make a smug point when there are plenty of other, better, ways to get your message across.
Well I didn’t make this post so I can’t really speak to the intent behind it.
But I don’t think that’s what this post is doing at all.
Topic: Mother cries as she leans over her late child’s coffin
Lemmy: Maybe this wouldn’t have happened if the murderer had access to better education and mental health
This is a meaningless strawman. I don’t see anyone saying things like this.
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Yes, actually. It’s ignorant, cold, and wrathful. The longer the yutes hold onto a punishment mentality the longer we have to live with fascism.
Meh. Ya know, I’ve seen civil calls for fighting climate change since 2005. Did they work? No. So now, let’s grab the manipulatives and ignorants by the hair and faceplant them into consequences of that.
Gentle parenting when it comes to my own lesson learning, wrathful punishment for everybody else
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So let me get this straight - you’ve built a strawman to convince yourself I’m a conservative gun nut, because I don’t think victim blaming people who have just had their lives fucked up by climate change isn’t funny or productive, because that’s easier for you than to think critically about your position and who really is to blame for this problem, and actually aim your anger at them, because they’re much bigger and scarier than the poor fucker in Spain who just lost everything. Is that about right?
Well done on successfully keeping the blame from where it belongs.
Fucking clown.
It’s too late they’ve depicted you as the soyjack
Wait, aren’t AR-pin wearers the opposite of that? 🤔(E: from their perspective of course, not that of reality lol)
Either way, it hurt itself in its confusion lmao
"Maybe these people wouldn’t be suffering from as much stress and financial hardship if they weren’t carbrained pieces of fucking shit!"
I honestly don’t know if this is sarcasm or genuine.
Do you mean “honestly”?
As in, are you really being honest when you say you can’t tell? I think it’s pretty obvious.
Yes, I am being honest, because I’ve seen fuck cars people say pretty much identical bullshit, so I honestly don’t know if you’re one of them and are serious, or if you’re taking the piss.
If I was being sarcastic, I would have used an /s tag, like you should have, if you were.
The /s tag is a very poor substitute for context clues and common sense. Tone indicators have no place in discourse.
So the solution is going amphibious. Got it!
These cars like to party
I’m a scientist and I love cars! The “fuck cars” thing is lame, and obnoxiously whiny in a car-based society. The yutes cheer on Spongebob getting his boating license but fall to pieces when they have to drive. Did we raise a generation of drunks?
no u
Our society is not car-based.
Yeah. It’s about as childish as it gets. People need cars to get to work and that’s about all there is to it in the US. If people don’t want cars, then why don’t they do something productive like design better public transit and lobby for better city setups which don’t require vehicle transportation, or something along those lines? But because it’s hard to do things that make a difference, they instead sit there and complain about “fuck cars” which does nobody any good.
New theory, internalized guilt over online shopping induced by media showing the impacts of climate change alongside the implication that delivery is to blame is manifesting as “fuck cars” instead of “I’ll simply buy less or hate myself less when I do shop”