Hmmm… 🤔

    5 months ago

    “Linux users are elitist jerks”

    Elitist jerks are elitist jerks. Ever talked to a stuck-up Windows I.T admin? The constant scoffing is unreal.

    What about people rich (or financially goofy) enough to obsess with Apple products?

    I think most community people regardless of OS just wanna be helpful and enthusiastic. (I like the word “enthusiast” haha) You’ll always find elitists around topics that involve learning skills and mastery.

    I dunno, I’m just happy sometimes people care here when I enthusiastically ramble to them about all their Linux-y choices they can solve problems with lol. We’re not all like that.

    Jerks just stick out more. Don’t let them tint your opinion of an entire community. I managed to even enjoy ranked League of Legends for a short while because I didn’t assume everyone was out to attack my ego with theirs.

    Hope you have an awesome one and let us know if we can help you with anything. :)