Check out the #pilet, SoulsCircuit’s very cool retro-futuristic handheld tablet/console.
Designed with Free Software, the pilet runs #Plasma and a full range of KDE software.
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Nice idea, using 2 batteries instead of one. Now to see if it can be hot-swappable
But why the ugly beige?
a. It is not ugly, how dare you
b. it is what machines looked like in the 80s and 90s, and it is that retro look the maker is going for
This thing pulls 2.3 amps under normal use? JFC do a little power optimization y’all
It’s early days and WiP. Give them a chance.
It just doesn’t even seem to have ever occurred to them.
While input and feedback is good, there are ways of delivering it without making it demoralising.