Yes you must try all the phases of ramen to become a true expert:
- Bone dry: I recommend about 60% of a spice packet on this one unless you are feeling spicy!
- Wet but strained: put the noodles in the water and strain them, then put the spice packet in and mix
- soup: you probably do this already. But consider dropping an egg in and mixing it. Or add veggies/green onions/ leftover chicken.
One more… Drain noods and then toss some butter in the pan, mix the packet in , then toss the noods/fry in buttery ramen salty delicouness…
I’ll add to my repertoire!
I love to do that with a poached egg on top but I haven’t done it in years.
It says put two cups of water for top ramen. I only add one cup and boil the noodles until there isn’t much water left. Kinda like wet but strained but without the straining.
Taste aside, why wouldn’t it be safe to eat? Same goes for canned food btw, and something like ravioli are actually pretty decent cold.
As a general rule, you shouldn’t eat raw flour.
No one said you should eat raw flour…?
Dry pasta is typically raw, so people often [incorrectly] conclude that instant noodles are raw too.
Canned food cold a great field meal if you work outdoors.
You are absolutely right. They are a great crunchy snack.
But they are not raw. The noodles are pre-fried. That’s why they are ready so quickly and also what makes them quite unhealthy.
Never check the sodium content :(
How much are in the noodles vs the packet though? I have always used half or less of the flavor packet because it’s so salty tasting (and also I assumed it would reduce the sodium content too.
Yeah. High fat content in the noodles, high sodium in the spice packets.
Fat and sodium are 10-20% higher than when you buy the plain noodles.
dry ramen is the cheapest snack money can buy. especially in Eastern Europe.
I rasie you a banana.
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Okay so I’m not crazy, Canada here as well and we definitely did this.
Kids here open the outer package carefully, take out the bag with the powders and oil, open them and pour them into the bag, and crunch the noodles with the ingredients. Then they eat them as snacks. My reaction when my kids told me about this was “WHAT!?!?”.
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I did this fairly often in my teen years. As a snack it’s… okay, I guess?
That Brooklyn 99 thing, with the putting some raw noodles on top of the finished bowl? Yeah I found out not everyone does that from that episode
Peanut butter and ramen sandwich!
We have no laws to fit your crimes.
They’ve transcended God and Man-…
I’m glad to know I’m not the only freak here.
My aunt used to make a ramen slaw that was amazing, using raw noodles.
i gotta know more
Baby Star is the seasoned version of that snack
I’ve done this with chicken flavoured instant noodles. They seem to taste better “raw”.
There’s also a kids snack that was (might still be) Mamee noodles when I was a kid. They’re supposed to be a snack that was designed, I believe, to be eaten raw with the flavouring to be shaken in. At least that’s what we used to do.
(This is in Australia)
Maggi chicken noodles.
- Gently crush packet keeping “lumps” of about 1/8th to 1/16th noodle cake size, depending on preference.
- Tear open top and remove flavour sachet. Tear open flavour sachet and pinch about 1cm in from the corner. This is vital and many casual dry instant noodle eaters are not aware of it. If you miss this step you will end up with too much chicken-ish-flavoured-salt at the end.
- Sprinkle flavour powder over noodles and twist packet top closed.
- Shake vigorously for at least 20 seconds.
- Enjoy.
This is the true way to enjoy dry instant noodles. Everyone else is wrong.
I’ve done something very similar, it’s great!
I’ve also had them without the flavouring plenty of times. Then, I’ve used the extra flavour pack for extra flavour when cooking them.
I eat ramen this way now and then. Started in college when I was saving up for a wedding ring. It’s a poor man’s Doritos. Just break up a ramen brick into a bowl, shake the seasoning on top, and add a drizzle of your favorite hot sauce.
My favorite ramen to do this with is beef flavor Maruchan. I actually like it better this way than boiled into a soup.
Agreed beef is the best flavor for dry snacking, for me the oriental/blue one is the next best.
I have a friend who said they and their friends did this when they were kids. Seemed bonkers to me at the time, but even my partner recently told me she has eaten noodles this way.
I remember as kids, at some point my brother was just grabbing one of these before we went to school instead of making a lunch. It was a few years later by the time we were adults and I remarked how it must have been weird going into the teacher lounge to find a kettle or microwave or whatever when I learned, no, he’d open the bag and snack on it like a bag of chips.