DAO is my favorite game of all time. Seeing the series get progressively worse (I hated the switch to High Fantasy, and this looks even worse) is really disheartening.
I just don’t understand, why even make a fucking Dragon Age game if you’re going to completely change the tone? (It’s a rhetorical question, the answer is obviously that they’re trying to cash-in on the brand recognition).
DAO is my favorite game of all time. Seeing the series get progressively worse (I hated the switch to High Fantasy, and this looks even worse) is really disheartening.
I just don’t understand, why even make a fucking Dragon Age game if you’re going to completely change the tone? (It’s a rhetorical question, the answer is obviously that they’re trying to cash-in on the brand recognition).
Based and level-headed-pilled
(I’m sorry for my shitpost comment but I mean it)