My brain goes all mushy and mellow when it notices that I’m apparently in proximity of a slower kind of a fellow. 🐢
(Close-up of a radiated tortoise (astrochelys radiata*) , from Wikimedia Commons)
(* Everything is more awesome when you put astro- in it)
It’s 3AM here. I went from,
Spiderweb, Spiderweb, Spiderweb (moderately alert)
Oh, turtle-shell (calm)
So yes. Very calming
Also thought it was webs in a sunbeam for a sec. The opposite of calming, really.
Nice pic! The texture of the shell is so clear.
I guess it’s more awe than calm for me.
I always feel strangely calm when I see a turtle just chillin’.
Same energy as capybaras.
Nah. The pattern is cool as hell though.
Weird, yes it does. It’s not that it’s a tortoise, it’s just the pattern and lighting I think. Cool photo!
I like tortles.
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I have a pic like this from a sulcata tortoise! She was just wandering around my neighborhood one afternoon, had apparently escaped her enclosure.
I had it set as my desktop at one point. One of my coworkers at the time, who was few screws short of osha standards, was staring at one day when I came back to my desk.
She goes, “Is that the Balkans?”
This happened over a decade ago & I still have no idea where that came from…