Here’s a really disturbing Garfield you can mix in for some variety:
Here’s a really disturbing Garfield you can mix in for some variety:
Digital Cat Buttholes. It’s not a musical controversy worth discussing if it doesn’t involve digitally animated cat buttholes.
Andrew Lloyd Webber is laughing at this lil dust up.
It’s meant to be more of a modest message of hope.
“Buy a douchenozzle, don’t be a douchenozzle” - the greatest lesson humanity will ever learn.
Not sure where this shot was taken but…
A lil further south, you can find similar views, overlooking Washington & Jefferson National Forest, from Lovers’ Leap & 12 O’Clock Knob.
I didn’t either, but it’s apparently a boating term that means to raise the bow of the boat by adjusting the boats trim.
I guess this can also be done by overloading the rear of the boat? I know some boats have bladders on either side of the rear of the boat, called ballasts, that do this.
This is from a comment on this cartoon, in the farside archive:
“Trim is simply the running angle of the boat as it makes way in the water; when we adjust the trim, we raise or lower the bow (the front of the boat).”
It’s just a lil seepage, I’m sure the teen’ll be just fine. Everyone has at least a few brain cells leak out & drip down their ear… in some cultures it’s considered a right of passage!
“I come with the stench of pre-bottled blood of the new born on my breath, & enough peyote to last until the rapture! Now where’s that lil dude? Need somebody to light my fire!”
I don’t care if Tuesday’s fucking ugly
and Wednesday’s worse
Thursday, Friday, no remorse
Monday we’ll all fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday, realize we all smell like farts
Oh, Thursday doesn’t even start…
It’s Friday, I’m in love still fucking glad I voted
Henry Rollins stared in a remake of The Chase, the 1966 Brando film.
Not a great film, but Rollins is pretty decent in it. He has a fun lil side plot with Flea & Anthony Kiedis, who play a pair of red necks in a jacked up bronco.
Should choose to check out, watch the post credits scene to see Charlie dressed as a Clown, mocking his father & Brando’s performances from Apocalypse Now.
One of the most underrated post credit bits of randomness out there…
Looks like a cute lil poop Cousin Itt left behind…
Stick it between a couple layers of red velvet & slather it with chocolate cream cheese icing.
Arnold Palmer ain’t dead yet!
Neither am I. Those are grown adults getting paid adult wages & who are given adult options to measure their risk vs reward.
The second link doesn’t prove anything as long as football is still a billion dollar industry in this world. Study as many deceased brains as you like, doesn’t change the fact the living ones still like making millions of dollars smashing into one another.
I’m just not willing to call for the dissolution of the NFL or NCAA Football programs because of the possibility.
Football isn’t the enemy here. We put those folks on their pedestals & now everyone wants to blame them for being there.
> Yet again, I sincerely hope you get the help you need.
You are the only one who can help me, please don’t go. Please don’t leave my all alone with my multitudes of football fans.
I promise I’ll read your bible & subscribe to your newsletter. I’ll even badger all my friends on Facebook to purchase your magic elixir.
Just please don’t leave me, I’m so drunk and alone without you.
“Talkin’ tough’s easy when it’s other people’s evil & you’re judging what they do & don’t believe”
I really hope you start seeing other opinions as valid & that you can stop assuming everyone’s a drunken liar.
No, I’m onto my peyote now.
I really hope you get a sliver of pine wood to eye, from a Douglas fir lance, after a horse rolls up on your shattered pelvis, as you lie there wishing you had half the medical resources available to a football player.
Then maybe. Just maybe. You’ll acknowledge you aren’t the end all of be all of this conversation.
Every bean deserves to flicked, some beans just need a lil guidance.