
  • 22 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • I didn’t either, but it’s apparently a boating term that means to raise the bow of the boat by adjusting the boats trim.

    I guess this can also be done by overloading the rear of the boat? I know some boats have bladders on either side of the rear of the boat, called ballasts, that do this.

    This is from a comment on this cartoon, in the farside archive:

    “Trim is simply the running angle of the boat as it makes way in the water; when we adjust the trim, we raise or lower the bow (the front of the boat).”

  • Neither am I. Those are grown adults getting paid adult wages & who are given adult options to measure their risk vs reward.

    The second link doesn’t prove anything as long as football is still a billion dollar industry in this world. Study as many deceased brains as you like, doesn’t change the fact the living ones still like making millions of dollars smashing into one another.

    I’m just not willing to call for the dissolution of the NFL or NCAA Football programs because of the possibility.

    Football isn’t the enemy here. We put those folks on their pedestals & now everyone wants to blame them for being there.