I put my lighter and guitar picks there. I sometimes put my ring in there, too. And flash disks, memory cards… Wow, I just realized I use that section for real.
Sometimes I put my thumb in it when I don’t know what to do with my hands.
Pocket watch. Isn’t that the intended purpose of the small pocket?
It is called a Watch Pocket or a Fob Pocket.
Daily- I put my rings in it when I take them off to cook or whatever.
Bike key or coins. We call them coin pockets for a reason.
Not the small pocket on jeans, but I do have some pants and shorts that have a small pocket fully inside the other pocket that I like to put my keys in
Keeps them from rattling around and scratching things
Change, or a hairtie
I put cool rocks in there.
Jesus Christ, Marie, they’re not rocks, they’re minerals!
Every time I unintentionally find it. Mostly for being annoyed at it even being a feature.
All the time for my lactose intolerant pills
Extra weed cart.
Oh, second post: Steve Jobs taught us that that’s where you put your iPod Nano.
God i loved that thing. Simple and effective. Easy to use for sports or just hanging out. Im sad mine isint working anymore, i tried reviving it but alas, it’s light never blazed again.
I use it every day for a small Swiss army knife.
I have a pen knife I use for work. It’s an excellent fit for the coin pocket
I don’t use a wallet and put my bank card and id card in it, I don’t need anything else