Hand printed & hand carved linoprint. Occult/Sci-fi inspired work about exobiology.
This is awesome. Great detail!
thanks :)
I really like this! The colors of the ink, paper, frame, and even the wall look great together!
I really like this! The colors of the ink, paper, frame, and even the wall look great together!
thank a lot :) the frame and the wall come from a mock up I haven’t actually framed it yet :)
That’s really cool. Love it
thanks a lot :)
Can you explain all the various representations? There’s a few I recognize, a few I can guess at and still more that I don’t even know where to start.
it is a mixture of abstract elements with occult/sci-fi connotations and scientific diagrams or more figurative or symbolic elements. there are elements relating to cosmology, astronomy, topography/geology. the element carbon, its simplified atomic model. a molecule of “chnops” the building blocks of life, a representation of bacterial life and various abstract elements. everything arranged in such a way as to have a homogeneous and graphically coherent egnimatic whole.
Really kool! Did you sketch it out beforehand or what was your process
thanks ! I do the research using drawings in a notebook, but they are more sketches of elements, of symbols. I create the composition in vector on Adobe Illustrator then using a transfert medium from liquitex , I transfer my printed composition onto my linoleum plate. I then engrave my plate manually. approximately 90 percent of the plaque is hollowed out.
I’m high as fuck and my guy, you’re guy as fuck. This is rad
hahaha, thanks mate ! :D
That is fantastic detail; at first glance I thought you’d laser cut it. Incredibly precise. It must have been very meditative to do the carving by hand.
Question: do you have a press, or is this hand-rubbed as well? Either way, great work.
haha, meditative is the term yes, it’s very long, more than thirty hours of engraving :) thank you! all my prints are printed by hand. using a sterile sterile and a tablespoon :)
Awesome! I’ve always wanted to do linocuts. Is this a metallic ink? It looks great! :)
thank you ! yep, these are the metallic inks from canfield color. they are beautiful ! :)