it is a rejection of a little part of Darwin’s theory, yes, I know. I do agree with the main part though.
it is a rejection of a little part of Darwin’s theory, yes, I know. I do agree with the main part though.
unnecessary traits might not always lead to extra cost, and even then, the extra cost might not always lead to extinction.
the extinction usually happens when a trait that represents a disadvantage in a sufficiently heavy competition for survival. If the competition is low enough, the trait may survive.
we barely know a thing about them. maybe they were burning trash on the sidewalk
i like playing traffic rider while listening to something on yt. you ride a motorcycle between a bunch of cars and try not to crash.
how are you defining irrational? the definition i know is not base dependent.
whatever works…
youre right, i take it back
ohoho, thankyou ☺️
not everything in a language is helpful.
neither vague nor a definition
average is the sum of a list of values divided by the size of the list.
what do you mean by “explicitly non gendered”?
yes, i wasnt advocating you should know any specific grammar. and that distinction is a good point. I meant that learning a prescriptive grammar decently is an important tool for reasoning. im not saying that descriptive grammars are bad, just defending that prescriptive grammars arent as useless as people seem to judge them.
yes, its very arbitrary, but these are sets of rules that you can use to structure your thoughts. language helps us reason. it doesnt matter that it is arbitrary. definitions in mathematics are very arbitrary, but they are a foundation we can lean on to reason about abstract ideas. Being arbitrary is not a testament of uselessness. Different languages, lead to different foundations for structuring ideas. But dominating at least one of those foundations can be very important cognitively.
i think that being used to properly structure sentences is important for reasoning well.
i agree that the effects of books and writing were probably beneficial to the brain, although they might have atrophied the memory and something else. But im not sure about tv, radio, internet and AI.
but are they wrong though?
i see, thank you
ive been seeing some supposed marxists spreading a narrative that the deportations havent actually increased with trump, that he’s just been advertising what was already going on in previous governments, to please his supporters.
Is this thing of sending immigrants to guantanamo a new thing? are the deportations worse than before? is the narrative i mentioned a big distortion of reality?
the U.S. Department of Justice claimed that habeas corpus—a legal recourse against unlawful detention—did not apply to Guantanamo Bay because it was outside of U.S. territory.
The Bush administration maintained that it was not obliged to grant prisoners basic protections under the U.S. Constitution or the Geneva Conventions, since the former did not extend to foreign soil and the latter did not apply to “unlawful enemy combatants”. Various humanitarian and legal advocacy groups claimed that these policies were unconstitutional and violated international human rights law;[5][6] several landmark U.S. Supreme Court decisions found that detainees had rights to due process and habeas corpus but were still subject to military tribunals, which remain controversial for allegedly lacking impartiality, independence, and judicial efficiency.[7][8]
the logic is that they think white people deserve the land more. Its plain old racism.
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