There’s a plenty of ideological reasons, but I think it is partly the environment being so stressful makes it harder for people to be considerate to new viewpoints or people.
There’s a plenty of ideological reasons, but I think it is partly the environment being so stressful makes it harder for people to be considerate to new viewpoints or people.
Yeah, and my labor contributes to the capitalist orphan grinding machine. Question is not who is pure, but what people are doing with their privilege. Someone is using their new privilege to murder opponents, and she may have used her privilege to take away freedoms. Doesn’t make the two wrongs into a right.
Did we forget who was president when Epstein was murdered in a prison?
Unless one of your values is to take wealth from those that don’t share your values, this is not a critique that will lead to meaningful corrections. I guess that could be a conservative value, but now you’re just doing identity politics.
Show me the conservative critique of billionaires. I know how that works on the left, but the right is about preserving power structures
Sounds like the parents have decided they’re too old (or she is too old) to deal with this shit
This is why they fired the JAG lawyers at the Pentagon: there won’t be any legal expert opinions in the military to tell the soldiers the order is illegal.
Billionaires are often referred to as dragons because they horde wealth. A Guillotine that could know the difference and decide to only harm billionaires would be a technological marvel.
Real AGI is a Guillotine that only removes the heads of dragons.
I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar
Me at the therapist the other day: I need to find friends that support each other like the Citizens’ Commission to Investigate the FBI did.
Protest can also be a form of art and memetic transmission. Don’t be so quick to dismiss others.
Sure, which is why installing it is largely a protest. I don’t think US tiktokkers are going to seriously learn pinyin so they can properly tag their post.
There’s already a mass exodus to RedNote, and I gotta say, I love that there are no ads.
Yeah, because LLMs have shown they understand language and aren’t bullshitting us. /s
Like I get this might generate new leads to explore, but to say it’s a virtual cell as if the model is somehow self-consistent is malpractice.
How to alienate your daughter:
The revolutionary potential of a media platform is inverse to how mainstream it has become. Lemmy and mastadon don’t need to be big to be influential because the people who show up to those platforms are (relatively) engaged in their AFK communities.
The line and reasoning is borrowed from “Bimbo - a philosophical analysis” : https://youtu.be/FeRIE6JDhCQ , the line “I’m not dumb enough to rationalize my way through life” is a rebuttal of Nietzsche type attitudes.
I’m not dumb enough to rationalize my way through life, so just go with what you’re feeling. You don’t need to rationalize it for it to be valid.
It’s sort of fucked up how relieving it is to know your parent in laws got their US citizenship years ago. It should not be like this