well, hopefully they’re exciting features.
god, family, music, physics
avatar taken from Command icons created by Flat Icons - Flaticon.
well, hopefully they’re exciting features.
mint user here. rocksolid distro, maybe not bleeding edge but very good as a daily driver; also for music production. reasonably customizable desktop with cinnamon.
only caveat: some vst plugins do not work well with wine when it comes to their copy protection (#izotope and #ssl among them), others do (such as #kilohearts)
joke’s on you. we use the burnup!
Planning on replacing the nvidia card. Fwiw however, enabled it and hey, no crash thus far. Let’s see. =)
I personally like the fact that u-he, acmt and audio damage provide their plugins on linux. I know, not FOSS, but game changing when it comes to switching music production over to linux. Vital is also available on linux, as is bitwig as host.